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James Frederick Dawson, Percival Gallagher, Frederick Law Olmsted Jr., John Charles Olmsted

Active 1898-1950

Firm Notes

This highly influential landscape architecture firm succeeded that of Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903), the greatest American landscape architect of the 19th century. The Olmsted Brothers, Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., (1870-1957) and John Charles Olmsted (1852-1920), may have been the most important urban park planners of the next century, designing preserves across the United States, including a string of them in Seattle, WA, Portland, OR, and Spokane, WA. They also designed the campuses of the University of Washington and Oregon State University as well as the Washington State Capitol in Olympia, WA. In addition, the Olmsted Brothers also designed remarkable park systems for Cleveland, OH, Utica, NY, and Union County, NJ.

While the firm was headquartered in Brookline, MA, the Olmsteds operated a busy West Coast Office in Palos Verdes Estates, CA, during the 1920s.

PCAD id: 1836

Agen, John B., House #2, Broadview, Seattle, WA1915SeattleWA
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (AYPE), Manufactures Building, Seattle, WA 1908-1909SeattleWA
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (AYPE), Site Plan, Seattle, WA1907-1909SeattleWA
Black, C.H., House, Queen Anne, Seattle, WA1907-1909SeattleWA
Burke, Thomas and Caroline E. McGilvra, House, The Highlands, Shoreline, WA1908ShorelineWA
City of Seattle, Parks and Recreation Department, Colman Park, Seattle, WA1909SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Parks and Recreation Department, Green Lake Community Center, Green Lake Preliminary Plan, Seattle, WA1909SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Parks and Recreation Department, Interlaken Park, Interlaken, Seattle, WA1905SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Parks and Recreation Department, Lakeview Park, Seattle, WA1903-1912SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Parks and Recreation Department, Mount Baker Park, Seattle, WA1909SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Parks and Recreation Department, West Seattle Playground, West Seattle, WA1910-1911SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Parks and Recreation Department, Woodland Park Preliminary Plan, Seattle, WA1909SeattleWA
City of Spokane, Board of Park Commissioners, Olmsted Master Plan for Spokane, Spokane, WA1908SpokaneWA
Clarke, Charles H., House, The Highlands, Shoreline, WA1908-1909ShorelineWA
Dunn, Arthur and Jeanette, Summer House and Gardens, Broadview, Seattle, WA1915-1916SeattleWA
Garrett House, The Highlands, Shoreline, WA1936ShorelineWA
Highlands Neighborhood Residential Plan, Shoreline, WA1907
Kerr, Peter, House, Portland, OR1910-1914PortlandOR
Kerry, A.S., Sr., House, The Highlands, Shoreline, WA1910-1911ShorelineWA
Laurelhurst Company, Laurelhurst Tract, Laurelhurst, Portland, OR1910-1925
Leimert , Walter H, Company, Leimert Square Plan, Leimert Park, Los Angeles, CA1927-1928Los AngelesCA
Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Plan, Portland, OR1904-1905PortlandOR
Malaga Cove Plaza, Palos Verdes Estates, CA1922-1924Palos Verdes EstatesCA
Mason-McDuffie Company, Saint Francis Wood, Tract, San Francisco, CA1912-1913San FranciscoCA
Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr., House, Ocean Bluffs, Palos Verdes Estates, CA1925-1927Palos Verdes EstatesCA
Palos Verdes Public Library, Malaga Cove Branch, Palos Verdes Estates, CA1926-1930Palos Verdes EstatesCA
Panama-California Exposition, Master Plan, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA1911-1915San DiegoCA
State of Washington, Capitol Building #4, Olympia, WA1911-1928OlympiaWA
Thorne, Chester, and Anna Hoxie, House #2, American Lake, Lakewood, WA1908-1911LakewoodWA
United States Army (USA), Fort Lawton, Seattle, WA1898-1900SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Campus Plan, 1904, Seattle, WA1903-1904SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Rainier Vista, Seattle, WA1909SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle, WA1934-1936SeattleWA
White, Chester F., House, The Highlands, Shoreline, WA1912ShorelineWA
Olmsted, John C. , Fort Lawton Military Reservation: Sketch plan to accompany report on further improvements by John C. Olmsted, consulting landscape architect, Seattle Park Commission, 07/1910. Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr., "Palos Verdes Estates", Landscape Architecture, 17: 225-280, 1927. O'Hara, Christine Edstrom, "Ecological planning in 1920s California : the Olmsted Brothers Design of Palo Verdes Estates", Landscape Journal, 35: 2, 219-235, 2016. Gebhard, David, Winter, Robert, Los Angeles An Architectural Guide, 54, 1994. Gebhard, David, Winter, Robert, "Palos Verdes Public Library, 1926-30", Los Angeles An Architectural Guide, 54, 1994. "Goes in quest of plants", Los Angeles Times, I11, 04/10/1911. Olmsted: A Guide to Seattle's Olmsted Interpretive Exhibit at the Volunteer Park Water Tower, 2003. Seattle Architectural Club Yearbook 1910, np, 1910. Seattle Architectural Club Yearbook 1910, np, 1910. Seattle Architectural Club Yearbook 1910, np, 1910. "Olmsted's Report Read by Board", Seattle Daily Times, 7, 1909-06-28. "P-I Editorials: City of green", Seattle Post-Intelligencer, B6, 02/13/2007. Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl, "Introduction, A Historical Overview of Architecture in Seattle", Shaping Seattle Architecture A Historical Guide to the Architects, xxv, 1994. "Residence of F.L. Olmsted in Palos Verdes, California", Wasmuths Monatshefte für Baukunst, 12: 8, 369-371, 1928. Welcome to the Washington State Capitol, np, 03/2008. "The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition of 1909 at Seattle, Washington", Western Architect, 14: plate following page 6, 1909-07.