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Male, Yugoslavia/US, born 1903-10-03, died 1990-01-10

Associated with the firms network

Howard, John Galen, Architect; Miller and Pflueger, Architects; Pflueger, Timothy L. Architect; Reid, John W., Jr., Architect; Wurster and Bernardi, Architects; Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons (WBE), Architects; Wurster, William W., Architect

Professional History


Bernardi worked for several prominent San Francisco architectural offices in the late 1920s and early 1930s, including those of John Galen Howard (1864-1931), John Reid, Jr., (1879-1968), and Miller and Pflueger.

Designer, Miller and Pflueger, Architects, San Francisco, CA, c. 1929-1931. Bernardi served as the "director of the artistic program for Miller and Pflueger on the Paramount Theatre project.Milton T. Pflueger, A.I.A., Timothy Pflueger's brother, worked with Theodore Bernardi in designing work, including human and animal figures for the facade mosaic, and interior details. He also assisted Bernardi in directing the work of other artists. He joined Miller and Pflueger in 1929 and upon his brother's death in 1946 became head of the firm, then Timothy L. Pflueger and Associates. Milton Pflueger continues to head the firm, now Milton T. Pflueger and Associates, and was a consultant to Skidmore, Owings & Merrill during the restoration of the theatre in 1973." (See Paramount Theatre of the, "History of the Paramount Theatre," accessed 12/19/2018.)

He also worked for theCivil Works Administration in San Francisco, CA, c. 1933-1934.

District Officer, Historic American Buildings Survey, Monterey, CA, c. 1933; Bernardi produced elevations, plans and detail drawings of the San Carlos Presidio Church in Monterey, CA.

Draftsman, William W. Wurster, Architect, San Francisco, CA, 1934-c.1936.

Chief Designer, William W. Wurster, Architect, c.1937-1942.

Partner, Wurster and Bernardi, San Francisco, CA, 1944-1945.

Partner, Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons, San Francisco, CA, 1946-1990.


Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Berkeley, CA, 1954-1971. William Wurster, his partner, was Dean of the College of Architecture at the UCB beginning in 1950.

Professional Activities

Theodore Bernardi, San Francisco, CA, along with Clarence J. Paderewski, San Diego, CA, Robert Anshen, San Francisco, CA, and George Hasslein, San Luis Obispo, CA served as jurors in the First Honor Annual Awards Competition of the San Joaquin Valley Chapter, American Institute of Architects, 1962. Fellow, American Institute of Archtects, (FAIA), 1962. Bernardi attended the 98th AIA Convention in Denver, CO, 06/1966; he received on behalf of Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons, the Collaborative Achievement in Architecture Award for their work on Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, CA. The award was presented by AIA President, Morris Ketchum, Jr., FAIA.

Professional Awards

Collaborative Achievement in Architecture Award, American Institute of Architects (AIA), for Ghirardelli Square, San Francisco, CA, 06/1966.


Theodore C. Bernardi's papers were given to the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), in 1991. This collection, #1991-1, have been housed in the Environmental Design Archives, College of Environmental Design, UCB. His work with William Wurster (1934-1945) and with Wurster and Donn Emmons (1945-1970s) was also donated to the Environmental Design Archives, College of Environmental Design, UCB.


High School/College

Bernardi attended Oakland's public schools. B.Arch., University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Berkeley, CA, 1924.



Bernardi married twice. His marriage to his second wife, Beatrice Boot Bernardi, lasted over forty years.


Bernardi had two daughters by his first wife: Gene Bernardi of Berkeley, CA, and Joan Breece of Sausalito, CA.

Biographical Notes

Former colleagues recalled of Bernardi in an obituary: "In many ways, Theodore's buildings were a reflection of himself: humble, a bit reticent, approachable, friendly, and above all, unpretentious, the latter characteristic quite remarkable, given the degree of his professional renown and the luster of his many awards, which included the American Institute of Architects' 1965 architecture firm award. Commuting between his San Francisco office and the Berkeley campus, he drove--and not very respectfully, it should be added--a battered red Volkswagen station wagon. For a briefcase he used a folded copy of the Daily Californian, its front page extensively tattooed with his doodles. And for lunch he favored Brennan's and the blue-collar Italian restaurants of San Francisco's North Beach, where he could often be found sitting at the counter of one of his favorite haunts. Theodore's last public appearance was at his colleague Joe Esherick's seventy-fifth birthday party five years ago. When he arrived, cigar in one hand and cane in the other, he was immediately engulfed in a crowd of friends, happy as always to see him. The magic of his famous twinkle was still strong, his eyes as full of mischief as ever." (See "Theodore C. Bernardi, Architecture: Berkeley,"accessed 12/14/2011.)

SSN: 557-07-7948.

Associated Locations

  • Korcula, Croatia Austria-Hungary (Architect's Birth)
    Korcula, Croatia Austria-Hungary

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    Bernardi was born in Croatia while it was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867-1918) and before Yugoslavia was formed in the wake of World War I.

PCAD id: 339

1st Unitarian Church #2, Berkeley, CA1962BerkeleyCA
Arian House, Mill Valley, CA1947Mill ValleyCA
Baer, Morley, House, Garrapata Creek, Big Sur, CA1966
Bank of America, World Headquarters Building, 555 California Street, San Francisco, CA1967-1969San FranciscoCA
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) System1964-1967San FranciscoCA
Bernardi, Theodore, House, Sausalito, CA1951SausalitoCA
Bissinger, Paul, House, Kent Woodlands, CA1956-1957
Boggs, James, House, Atherton, CA1952-1953AthertonCA
Campbell, Paul, House, Stockton, CA1936-1937StocktonCA
Capitol Towers Apartments, Sacramento, CA1957-1960SacramentoCA
Case Study House #03, Mandeville Canyon, Los Angeles, CA1948-1949Los AngelesCA
City of Mill Valley, Public Library, Main Library #2, Mill Valley, CA1964Mill ValleyCA
Coleman, James V., House, San Francisco, CA1962San FranciscoCA
Emmons, Donn and Nancy, House, Almonte, Mill Valley, CA1947-1948Mill ValleyCA
Episcopal Diocese of California, Grace Episcopal Church, alterations ( Saint Helena , CA ; 1959-1965
Gerbode, Frank L.A., and Martha Barker Alexander, House, Pacific Heights. San Francisco, CA1938-1939San FranciscoCA
Ghirardelli, Domenico and Son, Chocolate Company, Factory #3, San Francisco, CA1896-1898San FranciscoCA
Giddings, R.J., House, Modesto, CA1962-1964
Giffen, Russell, House, Fresno, CA1964-1966
Giffen, Russell, House, Santa Cruz, CA1951-1957
Gould Medical Group Clinic, Modesto, CA1952
Heller, E.H., House, Lake Tahoe, NV1950Lake TahoeNV
Huntley, Stirling L. and Roberta Baily, House, Pine Hill #2, Stanford, CA1962-1962StanfordCA
Kelso, James, House, Kent Woodlands, Kentfield, CA1952-1953KentifeldCA
Monterey Peninsula Junior College, Theatre, Monterey, CA1968-1970MontereyCA
Myers, Helen, House, San Francisco, CA1951San FranciscoCA
Nowell, Nelson T., and Marguerite, House, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA1946-1947Carmel-by-the-SeaCA
Nowell, Nelson T., and Marguerite, House, Stockton, CA1952-1953StocktonCA
Paramount Theatre, Downtown, Oakland, CA1930-1931OaklandCA
Partridge, Gryffyd, House, Mill Valley, CA1947-1948Mill ValleyCA
Pope, George A., Jr., Ranch House, Madera, CA1958
Pope, Saxton Temple, House #3, Lafayette, CA1955LafayetteCA
Richmond-Chase Office Building, San Jose, CA1946San JoseCA
Ritter House, Atherton, CA1957AthertonCA
San Francisco Civic Center, Brooks Exhibit Hall, San Francisco, CA1956-1958San FranciscoCA
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, Golden Gateway Redevelopment Project, San Francisco, CA1960-1966San FranciscoCA
Schuckl and Company, Office Building, Sunnyvale, CA 1942SunnyvaleCA
Schuman, Isadore and Ida, House, Woodside, CA1949WoodsideCA
Sherman, Clay and Company, Piano Store, Oakland, CA
Sherman, Clay and Company, Piano Store, San Francisco, WA
Sperry House, Brentwood, Los Angeles, CA1953Los AngelesCA
Stanford Medical Plaza, Stanford, CA1959StanfordCA
Stanford University, Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA1953-1955StanfordCA
Terry House, Claremont Hills, Berkeley, CA 1949BerkeleyCA
Turner, John D., House Project, Stockton, CA1946-1947StocktonCA
United Nations (UN) Center Project, San Francisco, CA1945San FranciscoCA
United States Government, Department of State, Consulate Office Building, Hong Kong, China1958Hong Kong
University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Stern, Sigmund, Hall, Berkeley, CA1941-1942BerkeleyCA
Vallco Financial Center, Cupertino, CA1972
Woodlake Residential Apartments, San Mateo, CA1965San MateoCA
Editors of Architectural Record, "California Note: Good Teamwork, Good House", A Second Treasury of Contemporary Houses, 1959. "Columbia Lighting Incorporated Advertisement, 1977", AIA Journal, 66: 11, 26-27, 10/1977. American Architects Directory, 1956, First Edition: 40, 1955. "The 1969 Honor Awards", American Institute of Architects Journal, 51: 1969-06. "Office Building for the Schuckl Canning Co.", Architect and Building News, 154: 13-17, 1943-08. "A seemingly artless vacation house gives well-directed views and three-way exposure to every major room", Architectural Forum, 91: 2, 80-82, 1949-08. "Wurster Portrait", Architectural Forum, 91: 3, 44, 9/1949. "House in Stockton, California", Architectural Forum, 72: 4, 252-253, 1940-04. "40 Stores", Architectural Forum, 88: 93-144, 1948-05. "40 Stores", Architectural Forum, 88: 93-144, 1948-05. "Design Decade: Home", Architectural Forum, 73: 4, 253, 1940-10. "People", Architectural Forum, 91: 5, 16, 11/1949. "California Note: Good Teamwork, Good House", Architectural Record, 119: 5, 144-147, 1956-Mid-05. "Awards of Merit Ghirardelli Square", Architectural Record, 140: 1, 43, 1966-07. "Recent Work of William Wilson Wurster", Architectural Record, 133: 1, 107-111, 01/1963. "Recent Work of William Wilson Wurster", Architectural Record, 133: 1, 112-115, 01/1963. "Four Public Libraries", Architectural Record, 180-181, 09/1967. "Genetrix: Personal Contributions to American Architecture", Architectural Review, 121: 341, 1957-05. Halprin, Lawrence, "A Statement by Lawrence Halprin on the Fountain Sculpture in Ghirardelli Square", Architecture / West, 16, 1968-05. "News +", Architecture Plus, 1: 10, 19, 11/1973. McCallum, Ian, Architecture U.S.A, 72, 1959. Ronchi, Lisa, "Profilo di un Architetto Americano, William Wilson Wurster", Architettura, 33, 1957-05. "Case Study House #3", Arts and Architecture, 6/1945. "Ariston Spiral Stairs for Residences", Book of Homes, 12: 4, Spring/Summer 1956. "Dean of the M.I.T. Architecture School Describes the Small House", Boston Sunday Globe, 1946-02-03. "Country Office Building", California Arts and Architecture, 61: 20-21, 1944-06. Peters, Richard C., "L'architetto Williiam Wilson Wurster", Casabella, 258: 21, 1960-04. "Wohnhaus Kelso:, Kentfield / Kalifornien", Deutsche Bauzeitung, 183-184, 1961-03. Venuti, Silvia, "Wurster and California", Domus, 777, 103-110, 12/1995. Barnes, Edward Larrabee, Edward Larrabee Barnes Architect, 18-19, 1994. Perini Land and Development Company, Golden Gateway proposal by Perini-San Francisco Associates, 1960. Gebhard, David, Winter, Robert, "Medical Plaza", Guide to Architecture in San Francisco and Northern California, 160, 1985. "Building Now", House and Garden, 89: 5, 76, 1946-05. "Mezzanine Houses", House and Home, 1: 2, 74-78, 02/1952. Mock, Elizabeth B., If You Want to Build a House, 60, 1946. Bednar, Michael J., Interior Pedestrian Places, 92, 1989. "Award of Merit Wurster Bernardi & Emmons", Journal of the American Institute of Architects, 46: 1, 46-47, 07/1966. "Honors Awards Luncheon", Journal of the American Institute of Architects, 46: 3, 67, 09/1966. Huff, Darrell, "Modern Ranch House", Liberty Magazine, 24: 28-29, 1947-04-26. Gebhard, David, Winter, Robert, Los Angeles An Architectural Guide, 99, 1994. "The Bank of America, San Francisco, California", Marble Architectural Awards USA 1985, 27-28, front cover, 1985. Eckardt, Wolf Vonj, "Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons", Mid-Century Architecture in America, 214, 1961. Eckardt, Wolf Von, "Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons", Mid-Century Architecture in America, 215, 1961. Eckardt, Wolf Von, "Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons", Mid-Century Architecture in America, 194, 1961. Mid-Century Architecture in America, 154-155, 1961. "Emmons House, Mill Valley", Pacific Architect and Builder, 15, 08/1956. Hamlin, Talbot, "Of Houses as Places to Live", Pencil Points, 19: 8, 492, 1938-08. Scully, Vincent, "Doldrums in the Suburbs", Perspecta, 9: 283, 1965. Ford, Katherine Morrow, Creighton, Thomas, Quality Budget Houses, 58-59, 1954. Nelson, George, Wright, Henry, Tomorrow's House, 194, 1946. Eckbo, Garrett, Urban Landscape Design, 22, 1964. "Prestressed Concrete in the West", Western Architect and Engineer, 221: 1, 22-25, 34-35, 01/1961. "Editorial", Western Architect and Engineer, 221: 1, 1, 01/1961.