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Male, born 1915-02-21, died 1986-06-27

Associated with the firms network

Skilling and Helle, Structural Engineers; Skilling, Helle, Christiansen, and Robertson, Incorporated, Engineers; Skilling, Worthington, Helle and Christiansen, Incorporated, Engineers; Worthington, Skilling, Helle and Jackson, Structural Engineers

Professional History


Service in the U.S. Navy during World War II.

Engineer, W.H. Witt Company, Engineers, Seattle, WA, 1949.

Partner, Skilling and Helle, Structural Engineers, Seattle, WA, c. 1962.

Partner, Worthington, Skilling, Helle and Jackson, Structural Engineers, Seattle, WA, c. 1964-1968.

Partner, Skilling, Helle, Christiansen, Robertson, Incorporated, Engineers, Seattle, WA, 1968-1979. Helle retired as President of Skilling, Helle, Christiansen, and Robertson, Incorporated, Engineers; Consultant, Skilling Ward Rogers Barkshire, Incorporated, Engineers, Seattle, WA, c. 1983. His obituary in the Seattle Times noted: "His career focused on the design of hospitals in this state, Alaska, Oregon and California." (See "Rites Held for Helge J. Helle, Engineer," Seattle Times, 07/01/1986, p. F8.)

President, Construction Engineers Council of Washington; Member, Structural Engineers Association of Washington; Member, Coast Guard Auxiliary; Member, Power Squadron; Member/Commodore, Meydenbauer Bay Yacht Club, Seattle, WA;

Special Citation, Western Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute, Northern Division; Engineer of the Year, Consulting Engineers Council of Washington;


B.S., Engineering, University of Washington (UW), Seattle, WA; M.S., Engineering, University of Washington (UW), Seattle, WA, c. 1949.


In 1920, the family lived in their own home at 1110 26th Avenue, Seattle, WA;

His parents were John and Mary Helle, both born in Finland c. 1892; John came to the U.S. in 1906, Mary in 1903; they were both naturalized in 1914. Helge had a sister, Aili Helle Marklund, who was four years younger.

Helge Helle married Ella Pearl Helle.

Helge and Ella had two children, a son, Joel Helle and daughter, Eloise Helle Wood.

Associated Locations

  • Seattle, WA (Architect's Birth)
    Seattle, WA

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  • Bellevue, WA (Architect's Death)
    Bellevue, WA

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PCAD id: 3188

Boy Scouts of America, Chief Seattle Council, Service Center, Seattle, WA1960SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Public Library (SPL), Branch #3, Magnolia, Seattle, WA1963-1964SeattleWA
Columbia Seafirst Center, Downtown, Seattle, WA1985SeattleWA
International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation, Office Building and Garage, Downtown, Seattle, WA1962-1964SeattleWA
King County, Department of Stadium Administration, Domed Stadium, Pioneer Square, Seattle, WA 1972-1976SeattleWA
Marine Bancorporation, Rainier National Bank, Headquarters Building, Downtown, Seattle, WA1972-1977SeattleWA
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, World Trade Center, Towers I and II, New York, NY 1966-1973New YorkNY
Rivergate Exhibit Facility, New Orleans, LA 1964-1968New OrleansLA
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Seattle, Saint Alphonsus Church #2, Ballard, Seattle, WA1960-1962SeattleWA
Seattle 1st National Bank, Incorporated, 5th Avenue Plaza Building, Downtown, Seattle, WA1979-1981SeattleWA
Seattle 1st National Bank, Incorporated, Headquarters Building #3, Downtown, Seattle, WA1966-1969SeattleWA
Seattle Public Schools, Ingraham High School, Seattle, WA1958SeattleWA
Seattle World's Fair, Fine Arts Pavilion, Seattle, WA1961-1962SeattleWA
Shannon and Wilson, Properties, Incorporated, Geotechnical Engineers, Office and Laboratory Building, Seattle, WA1960SeattleWA
Swedish Hospital, First Hill, Seattle, WASeattleWA
United Control Corporation, Factory
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Child Development and Mental Retardation Center, Seattle, WA1967-1969SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Condon, John T., Hall #2, Seattle, WA1974-1975SeattleWA
Washington State University (WSU), Fine Arts Center, Pullman, WA1973PullmanWA
Wayside Congregational Church, Chapel, Federal Way, WAFederal WayWA
West Seattle Congregational Church, West Seattle, Seattle, WA1959-1960SeattleWA