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Male, US, born 1917-07-06, died 2004-12-05

Associated with the firms network

Sparling Electrical Engineering; Sparling, Thomas E. and Associates, Electrical Engineers

Professional History


Founding Partner, Thomas E. Sparling and Associates, Electrical Engineers, Seattle, WA.

Partner, Sparling Electrical Engineering, Seattle, WA.

Professional Activities

Member, Institute of Electrcial and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Seattle Chapter.

Professional Awards

Fellow, IEEE, 1983. (See "People," Northwest Architecture, vol. 6, no. 3, 07-08/1983, p. 14.)


Sparling lived at 5520 East Greenlake NE Way 14, Seattle, WA, in 1988 and at 19521 Linden Avenue North, Seattle, WA, in 1993; he moved to 15448 NE 13th Place, Bellevue, WA, c. 1997-1998, and had an Issaquah, WA, address at 190 Newport Way SW, between 1998-2002; Sparling's last residence was located at 6278 Barr Beach Road, Freeland, (Freeland Island),WA, 98249-9583;

Sparling had at least one child, Thomas E. Sparling, Jr., (born 04/26/1963 in WA).

SSN: 516-09-9375; in 1943, Sparling was noted as being 5'10" tall and weighing 120 pounds. He took at least three trips to Victoria, BC, in 07-08/1943.

PCAD id: 2330