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Drawing of a traditional Norwegian stabbur in Numedal, Norway. Published in Nicolay Nicolaysen, Kunst og Haandverk fra Norges Fortid, Foreningen til norske, (Kristiana: Fortidsmindesmærkers Bevaring, 1881-1890)
Drawing of the Austin A. Bell Building, Seattle, c. 1889; from the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI), drawing by Elmer H. Fisher
Drawing of the Bachelor Apartment Hotel, Seattle, WA, 1922. From "$700,000 City Building Projects Announced Seven-Story Department Store Planned," Seattle Daily Times, 10/01/1922, p. 10
Drawing of the Burke Building, c. 1890, Elmer H. Fisher, Architect; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Seattle Photograph Collection
Drawing of the Church of Saint James, Fort Vancouver, WA, c. 1846; from Saint James Parish, Vancouver, WA
Drawing of the Church of the Assumption of Mary #2, Tomales, c. 1899; from the Marin County Free Library, Anne T. Kent California Room
Drawing of the George F. Otto Building, San Diego, CA, 1922. From "Eroffnung des Otto Gebaudes," Süd California Deutsche Zeitung, 11/03/1922, p. 3
Drawing of the Grand Central Hotel, Los Angeles, 1883; from the Los Angeles City Directory of 1883, p. 42.
Drawing of the Grasshopper Floor Lamp, 1950. From Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office, Volume 638, 09/1950, Floor Lamp, Design Patent #160,084, (application made 12/24/1949), (Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1950), p. 619
Drawing of the Hallett and Pirtle Building, Los Angeles, 1895; from the Hallett and Pirtle Block," Los Angeles Herald, vol. 44, no. 115, 08/04/1895, p. 6
Drawing of the Henne Building, Los Angeles, 1897. From "The Henne Building," Los Angeles Times, 01/01/1897, p. 38
Drawing of the Higgins Mausoleum, New Calvary Cemetery, Los Angeles, 1905; from the "Costly Mausoleum as Costly as a House," Los Angeles Times, 04/13/1905, p. 6
Drawing of the Higgins Mausoleum, New Calvary Cemetery, Los Angeles, 1905; from the "Costly Mausoleum as Costly as a House.Los Angeles Times, 04/13/1905, p. 6
Drawing of the Hoo Hoo House, 1909, by Ellsworth P. Storey; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
Drawing of the House for Mrs. James Osborne Craig (Montecito, CA, c. 1920; from the Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Drawing of the Huntington Beach Pier, Huntington Beach, 1913; from "Huntington Beach Attracts," California Citrograph, 01-02/1917, vol. 2, no. 4, p. 34
Drawing of the John F. Conant House, Seattle, 1889; from the State of Washington, Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation
Drawing of the Kahan and Falk Warehouse, Seattle, 1918; from "Kahan and Falk advertisement," R.L. Polk and Company's Seattle City Directory, 1918, p. 77
Drawing of the Merchant Hotel, Portland, OR, 1885; from the Seattle City Directory, 1885, p. 55; drawing by F. Phillippi
Drawing of the Nicholls-Loomis Flour Mill complex, Los Angeles, 1920. From "Los Angeles Grain Exchange," Price Current-grain Reporter, vol. LXXXIII, no. 13, 03/31/1920, p. 17
Drawing of the Noble and Olive Ryther House, Seattle, c. 1890; from Ryther Voice
Drawing of the Occidental Hotel, Stockton, c. 1875; from Wright Realtors, Stockton California History 1846 to 1900
Drawing of the Oregon State Capitol #1, Salem, c. 1855; from Wikimedia Commons
Drawing of the Richard Tobin House Fire, San Francisco, CA, 1895; from the San Francisco Call, 08/27/1895; scanned by the Maritime Heritage Project
Drawing of the Rood Apartment and Store Building, Seattle, c. 1908; from the Seattle Times, 11/08/1908, p. 35
Drawing of the Rubber Manufacturing and Distributing Company Building, Seattle, WA, 1908. From the Pacific Fisherman Annual Review, vol. 6, 1908, p. 57
Drawing of the S.S. Korea,, c. 1910; from Atlantic Transportline.us
Drawing of the Sacramento County Courthouse, Sacramento, c. 1860; from Anne Bloomfield, "David Farquharson, Pioneer California Architect," California History, vol. 59, no. 1, Spring 1980, p. 17
Drawing of the Southern California Hardwood and Manufacturing Company Factory, Los Angeles, 1918; from the Southwest Builder and Contractor, 01/04/1918, p. 3
Drawing of the Stephens and Bobbitt Funeral Home, San Bernardino, CA, 1928. From Stephen and Bobbitt Funeral Directors advertisement, San Bernardino County Sun, 10/28/1928, p. 14
Drawing of the Sutro Baths under construction, San Francisco, 1893; from The Sutro Baths Are Rapidly Nearing Completion, San Francisco Call, vol 74, no. 88, 08/27/1893, p. 8
Drawing of the Temple Block #1, Los Angeles, CA, c. 1860. From Water and Power Associates.org, "Early Los Angeles Historical Buildings (1800s)," accessed 03/04/2021.
Drawing of the Temple Sinai/1st Hebrew Congregation Synagogue #1, Oakland, c. 1886; from the Jewish Women's Archive, drawing by Ray Frank
Drawing of the Territorial University of Washington, Seattle, 1885; from the Seattle City and King County Directory, 1885, p. 159
Drawing of the Tongva village of Yang-Na, Los Angeles, CA, undated, but the scene depicted would have been before 1828. From the University of Southern California (USC) Libraries, California Historical Society Collection, Item #CHS-12783.1
Drawing of the Tremont Hotel, Seattle, 1895; from Polk's Seattle City Directory, 1895, p. 10
Drawing of the Yesler Lumber Mill, c. 1855, Seattle, WA; from Historylink.org, drawing from Clarence Bagley, History of King County, (Chicago: S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1929)
Drawing of the Yesler-Leary Block with proposed addition, Seattle, c. 1883; from the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections Division
Drawing of the exterior of the 1st Methodist Episcopal Church #1, Seattle, c. 1855; from HistoryLink.org
Drawing of the exterior of the Crocker-Langley San Francisco DIrectory Company Building, San Francisco, 1914; from the Crocker-Langley San Francisco City Directory, 1914, p. 2321
Drawing of the exterior of the Grand Pacific Hotel, Seattle, WA, 1901. From Grand Pacific Hotel advertisement, Polk's Seattle City Directory, 1901, p. 1342
Drawing of the exterior of the National Steam Flour Mills, San Francisco, CA, 1861. From Henry G. Langley, The San Francisco Directory for the Year Commencing September 1861, (San Francisco: Valentine and Company Commercial Steam Presses, 1861), p. xxx
Drawing of the front facade of the Grace Methodist Church, Portland, 1888; from "First Methodist Church (Portland)," the Oregon Encyclopedia, acccessed 09/13/2018, image from the University of Oregon Libraries
Drawn portrait of Thomas Maguire, 1896. From “Career of Maguire,” San Francisco Call, vol. 79, no. 53, 01/22/1896, p. 13
Dry Falls State Park, Visitor's Center
Eagles Auditorium Building, Seattle, WA
Eagles Auditorium Building, Seattle, WA
Eagles Auditorium Building, Seattle, WA
Eagles Auditorium Building, Seattle, WA
East Elevation of the Principia College Chapel, Elsah, IL, c. 2009. From the Library of Congress, Historic American Buildings Survey, HABS IL-324-A, Item #il0974
Page 14 of 122 pages.