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Bloedel Reserve
Bolton Hall, Tujunga
Bon Marche Department Store, Downtown, Seattle, WA
Bon Marche Department Store, Downtown, Seattle, WA
Bon Marche Department Store, Downtown, Seattle, WA
Bordwell's classified advertisement announcing a move to 432 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, 1868. From the Daily Alta California, vol. 20, no. 6642, 05/13/1868, p. 2
Bradbury, Lewis Leonard, Building, Los Angeles
Bradbury, Lewis Leonard, Building, Los Angeles
Broadway State Bank, Seattle, WA
Bruin Life Yearbook photo of Koichi Kawana, 1955; from Ancestry.com
Bryson Apartments, Los Angeles, CA, 05/2008 (from Los Angeles, Wikipedia)
Bryson Apartments, Los Angeles, CA; portrait of Hugh W. Bryson appeared in the L.A. Times, 09/28/1914
Bryson-Bonebrake Block, Los Angeles, CA (From J.C. Newsom, "Artistic Buildings and Homes of Los Angeles," 1888)
Bullock's Wilshire Department Store, Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles
Bullock's Wilshire Department Store, Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles
Bullock's Wilshire Department Store, Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles
Burke Building, Seattle, WA
Burke Building, Seattle, WA
Burke Building, Seattle, WA
Cadastral map location of 1921-1927 5th Avenue, (circled), Seattle, WA, 1927. From Atlas of Seattle, 1927, (Seattle: Kroll Map Company Incorporated, 1927), Sheet #1E
California Southern Railroad Timetable, San Diego, 1888; printed in the Coronado Mercury, 01/13/1888, p. 1
California historical plaque marking the location of the Federal Telegraph Company Building, Palo Alto, 2008; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by self
Camlin Apartment Hotel, Seattle, WA
Caricacture of Rudolph A. Herold, Sacramento, 1908; from "Rudolph A. Herold," Sacramento Union, vol. 115, no. 119, 06/23/1908, p. 6.
Cartoon of James W. Clise, c. 1906; from HistoryLink.org and the Argus
Cary House, Palm Springs
Celebration honoring volunteers of the First Washington Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Pioneer Square, 1899
Central Building, Seattle, WA
Central Building, Seattle, WA
Central School #1, later City Hall #1, Pasadena, CA, c. 1887. From the Pasadena Museum of History, Item #pmh_C14a-1a, photo by William H. Hill, accessed 11/21/2023.
Century Square, Seattle, WA
Century Square, Seattle, WA
Chapman, Augustus H., House, Chico, CA
Chart House Restaurant, Palm Springs
Chart House Restaurant, Palm Springs
Chart House Restaurant, Palm Springs
Chemosphere House
Chemosphere House
Chemosphere House
Chiat / Day / Mojo Offices Los Angeles
City National Bank, Palm Springs
City National Bank, Palm Springs
City directory advertisement for the Sherman Printing and Binding Company, Seattle, 1921; from the R.L. Polk Seattle City Directory, 1921, p. 1573
Clark Hotel under construction, Wenatchee, WA, 1893. From Clio.com, "First Chelan County Courthouse," accessed 09/28/2023
Clark and Frey Architectural Office
Clark and Frey Architectural Office
Classified advertisement for Augustus Laver, Architect, San Francisco, 1874; from Advertisement for Augustus Laver, San Francisco, 1874; from "New Advertisements," Daily Alta California, vol. 26, no. 8882, 07/27/1874, p. 2
Classified advertisement for Fisher and Clark, Architects, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 05/13/1888, p. 7
Classified advertisement for Hermann Steinmann, Architect, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 05/13/1888, p. 7
Classified advertisement for T.H. Goff, Architect, San Bernardino, 1890. From Classified Ad, San Bernardino Daily Courier, vol. 7, no. 150, 04/05/1890. p. 1
Page 11 of 122 pages.