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6,079 images found, displaying page 17 of 122 pages.
Exterior of the King City High School, King City, CA, c. 1915; from "Penny Postcards of California," <http://usgwarchives.net/ca/monterey/postcards/ppcs-monterey.html> Accessed 09/07/2011
Exterior of the L.A. Treen Boot and Shoe Store; see left center; Seattle, c. 1880; from the Seattle Public Library, Seattle Historical Photograph Collection
Exterior of the Loew's Warfield Theatre Building, San Francisco, 1922; from Cinema Treasures.org
Exterior of the McNaught House when it was used as the Rainier Club, Seattle, WA, sometime between 1888 and 1893. From University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Asahel Curtis Collection, Item #CUR1649
Exterior of the Medical Dental Building, Seattle, WA, 1924. From the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Asahel Curtis Photo Co. Collection. PH Coll 482, Item #CUR1507
Exterior of the Millenium Tower, looking north on Mission Street, San Francisco, 2017; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior of the Mission Congregational Church (later the Children's Day School), San Francisco, CA, 2019. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior of the Moses Wicks House from the west looking northeast, Los Angeles, 2015; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior of the Nestor Building, Seattle, 11/16/1910; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, James Patrick Lee Collection
Exterior of the Phelan Building, San Francisco, c. 1895; from http://dancurlhomeinspector.com
Exterior of the Plush House Restaurant, Redondo Beach, 2016; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer Building, Seattle, c. 1882; from Dorpat Sherrard Lomont
Exterior of the Spring Apartment Hotel (right corner), Seattle, WA, 1923. From University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Seattle Photograph Collection, Photo #SEA0777
Exterior of the Thomas Ince Studio, Culver City, 2007; from Wikimedia Commons
Exterior of the Tower Theatre, Fresno, 2011; from Wikimedia Commons, photograph by David Prasad
Exterior of the Van Nuys City Hall, 1933; from Flickr.com, photo from the Los Angeles Public Library
Exterior of the Viejas Arena, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, 2013. From Wikimedia Commons, photo by Der-wuppertaler
Exterior of the Walnut Avenue facade of the Shank House, Huntington Beach, 2015; from Jon Jacky
Exterior of the Wilkes Theatre, Seattle, 1921; from Dorpat Sherrard Lomont, photo from the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI)
Exterior of the front facade seen from the south, Seattle, 2016; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior of the newly erected Agricultural College, Experiment Station and School of Science of the State of Washington, Ferry Hall #1, Pullman, WA, c. 1893. From Washington State University (WSU) Libraries, Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections, Item #pc149b4n83-051
Exterior photo of Doe Library, University of Calfiornia, Berkeley, CA, 1921. From the University of California Blue and Gold Yearbook, 1921, p. 32, accessed 07/31/2024
Exterior photo of Henry W. Lawton House, Redlands, c. 1890; from the Library of Congress and Amazon.com
Exterior photo of Lander Hall #2, University of Washington, Seattle, 2006; from the University of Washington Libraries, photo by Alan Michelson
Exterior photo of Tacoma Union Station, Tacoma, 2011; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Loco Steve
Exterior photo of the Anaheim Hotel #1, Anaheim, c. 1871; from "Vintage 2 (inactive)," Pinterest.com
Exterior photo of the Arena Building, Seattle, WA, c. 1930; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
Exterior photo of the Arlington Hotel #2, Seattle, WA, c. 1900; from the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI), Seattle, photo by Anders Wilse Beer
Exterior photo of the Caldecott Tunnel, Oakland, CA, c. 1937; from "Living the New Deal," University of California, Berkeley, Department of Geography
Exterior photo of the Exchange Building, Seattle, WA, 2008; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Joe Mabel
Exterior photo of the Fischer Brothers Wholesale Grocery Warehouse, Seattle, WA, c. 1900; Fischer Brothers Building left upper middle; from Wikimedia Commons, scan of Alfred D. Bowen, Seattle and the Orient, (Seattle: Times Publishing Company, 1900), p. 9
Exterior photo of the General Motors Building, Detroit, 1980; from the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), Item hhh.mi0172
Exterior photo of the Holyoke Building, Seattle, WA, 1900; from Wikipedia Commons, photo from Alfred D. Bowen, Seattle and the Orient [Seattle: Seattle Times Publishing, 1900]
Exterior photo of the Joseph and Jessie Russell House, Vancouver, BC. c. 1915
Exterior photo of the Lilly Bogardus and Company Dock and Warehouses, Seattle, WA, c. 1900; from Wikimedia Commons; photo derived from the promotional book, Seattle and the Orient (1900)
Exterior photo of the Lowman and Hanford Building #4, c. 1899; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collection Division
Exterior photo of the Lowman and Hanford Building, 1885; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collection Division; photo by Alexander Myers
Exterior photo of the Lowman and Hanford Building, c. 1890; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collection Division
Exterior photo of the Lowman and Hanford Building, c. 1905; photo from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
Exterior photo of the Lundberg House, Seattle, 1947; from the University of Washington Libraries, Dearborn-Massar Collection
Exterior photo of the New England Hotel #2, Seattle, c. 1905; from PEMCO Webster & Stevens Collection, Museum of History & Industry, Seattle; All Rights Reserved
Exterior photo of the New York Building, Seattle, WA, 1910. Photo by Asahel Curtis, University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections, Asahel Curtis Photo Company Collection no. 482, Item #CUR797, accessed 12/06/2023
Exterior photo of the Orpheum Theatre (right), Seattle, 1964; from the Seattle Municipal Archives, Don Sherwood Parks History Collections
Exterior photo of the Standard Warehouse #1, Oakland, c. 1910; from the Cheney Photo Advertising Company, Item #F68
Exterior photo of the Stockton Main Post Office, 2012; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Michael Aivaliotis
Exterior photo of the Thurston County Courthouse #2, Olympia, WA, 2008; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Murderbike
Exterior photo of the Title Insurance and Trust Company Building #1, circled right, featured in a Los Angeles Herald Story on new skyscrapers being built, Los Angeles, 01/20/1912; from "Six Millions Going into Big New Skyscrapers," Los Angeles Herald, vol. XXXVIII, no. 100, 01/20/1912, part II, p. 1
Exterior photo of the Tremont Building (center right), Seattle, WA, c. 1890; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
Exterior photo of the Vaughn (aka Matilda Winehill) Building, Seattle, 1901; from the University of Washington, Seattle, Libraries, Special Collections Division, Asahel Curtis Photo Company Collection, Item #2094
Exterior photo of the Washington Hotel, Seattle, c. 1906; from Wikimedia Commons, postcard by O.T. Frasch, 1912
Page 17 of 122 pages.