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Partners: network

Ruth Baleiko, Brian Court, Craig A. Curtis, Benjamin Dalton, Robert E. Hull, Susan McNabb, David Edward Miller, Robert Misel, Whitney Pearce, Catherine Popolow, Claire Shigekawa Rennhack, Sian S. Roberts, Ronald Rochon, Kurt Stolle, Norman Howard Strong, Scott A. Wolf

Active 1977-

Firm Notes

The Miller Hull Partnership, LLP, was headquartered in Seattle, WA; in 2014, its Seattle office was located at the Polson Building, 71 Columbia Street, 6th Floor, Seattle, WA, 98104. Tel: 206.682.6837. The firm also had an office in San Diego, CA, headed by Norman H. Strong. It was located at 2150 West Washington Street, Suite #113, San Diego, CA, 92110. Tel: 619.220.0984 (2014).

Miller Hull was awarded the prestigious American Institute of Architects' 2003 National Architecture Firm Award. In 2014, Sian S. Roberts and Ronald Rochon were also Partners of Miller Hull.

In 2020, the San Diego office was located at: Point Loma Marina 4980 North Harbor Drive, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92106 Tel: 619-220-0984. Miller Hull's Seattle office remained in the Polson Building in 2020 and 2025.

In 2025, Miller Hull partners included Ruth Baleiko, Brian Court, Ben Dalton, David Miller, Rob Misel, Sian Roberts and Scott Wolf. The following were listed as "principals:" Mathew Albores, Danielle Buttacavoli, Steve Doub, Jim Hanford, Mike Jobes, Julie Irvin Martinez, Doug Mikko, Elizabeth Moggio, Margaret Sprug, and Rich Whealan.

PCAD id: 1171

1310 East Union Apartment Building, Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA2001SeattleWA
156 West Superior Street Condominiums, Chicago, ILChicagoIL
6 Nickerson Street Office Building, Queen Anne, Seattle, WA2018SeattleWA
Atlanta Summer Olympics, Environmental Pavilion Project, Atlanta, GA1996AtlantaGA
Bainbridge Island House, Bainbridge Island, WA2004
Berkowitz House, Chicago, IL2009
Boeing Company, Developmental Center Complex, Building #9-12, Cafeteria, Tukwila, WA1991TukwilaWA
Bolen House, Decatur Island, WA1989
Bullitt Foundation, Bullitt Center, Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA2011-2013SeattleWA
Camarda House, Vashon Island, WAVashon IslandWA
Campbell Orchard House, Tieton, WA1998
Childhaven Crisis Nursery, Broadway Center Building, First Hill, Seattle, WASeattleWA
Ching House, Maury Island, WA1998
City of Bainbridge Island, City Hall, Winslow, Bainbridge Island, WA2000Bainbridge IslandWA
City of Mercer Island, Fire Department, Station #92, 2nd Station, Mercer Island, WA2014-2015Mercer IslandWA
City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental Services, Water Pollution Control Laboratory and Administration Building, Cathedral Park, Portland, OR1997PortlandOR
City of Seattle, Fire Department (SFD), Station #39, Second Station, Lake City, Seattle, WA2009-2010SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Garfield Community Center, Central District, Seattle, WA1994SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Parks and Recreation Department, Discovery Park, Visitor Center, Magnolia, Seattle, WA1996-1997SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Public Library (SPL), Branch, Northgate, Seattle, WA2005-2006SeattleWA
City of Seattle, Public Library (SPL), Northeast Branch, Seattle, WA1953-1954SeattleWA
Evergreen State College, Art Studios, Olympia, WA1990OlympiaWA
Fremont Public Association, Community Center, Wallingford, Seattle, WA1998SeattleWA
Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech), Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design, Atlanta, GA
Girvin House, Decatur Island, WA1994
Gorton / Bounds Cabin, Decatur Island, WA1987
Hansman, John J. and Loretta S. Taylor, House, Queen Anne, Seattle, WA1996-1997SeattleWA
King County, Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Vashon Recycling and Transfer Station, Vashon, WA1999VashonWA
King County, LIbrary System (KCLS), Service Center, Issaquah, WA2000IssaquahWA
Kitsap County Administration Building, Port Orchard, WAPort OrchardWA
Kitsap School District, North Kitsap Transportation Center, Kingston, WA1997KingstonWA
Lake Washington School District, Resource Center, Redmond, WA1997
Marquand House, Naches River Valley, WA1992
Michaels - Sisson House, Mercer Island, WA1998
Northwest Federal Credit Union, Seattle, WA1996
Novotny Cabin, Decatur Island, WA1990
Olympic College, Shelton Branch, Master Plan and Phase I Building, Shelton, WA1995SheltonWA
Roddy - Bale House, Bellevue, WA1998BellevueWA
Seattle Center, Fisher Pavilion, Seattle, WA2001-2002SeattleWA
Seattle Community College District, Seattle Central Community College, Marine Technology Facility, Seattle, WA1987SeattleWA
Seattle University, Bannan Hall, Seattle, WASeattleWA
Shafer House
Sky Ranch, Seattle, WASeattleWA
Technology Access Foundation Community Larning Center, Seattle, WASeattleWA
United States Government, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Point Roberts Land Port of Entry, Port Roberts, WA1997Port GeorgeWA
United States Government, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Yaquina Head Interpretive Center, Newport, OR1997NewportOR
United States Government, Veterans Administration, National Cemetery Administration, Tahoma National Cemetery, Kent, WA1997KentWA
University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Structural Engineering and Materials Lab, La Jolla, CALa JollaCA
University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), Environmental Health and Safety Laboratory, Santa Cruz, CASanta CruzCA
University of Washington, Bothell (UWB) and Cascadia Community College Campus Facilities Master Plan 2006, Bothell, WA2006BothellWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Campus Police Headquarters #2, Seattle, WA2015-2016SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Center for Urban Horticulture, Merrill Hall #22004SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Coaches Boat House, Seattle, WA1993SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Conibear Shellhouse, Seattle, WA2004SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Gould, Carl F., Sr., Hall, University District, Seattle, WA1971SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Population Health Building, Seattle, WA2018-2020SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Undergraduate Library, Seattle, WA1972SeattleWA
University of Washington, Seattle (UW), West Campus Utility Plant, Seattle, WA2017
Vulcan Incorporated, South Lake Union Discovery Center, South Lake Union, Seattle, WA2004-2005SeattleWA
Washington State Ferries, Passenger-Only Ferry Terminal Project, Seattle, WA1995
Washington State University (WSU), Institute for Shock Physics, Pullman, WA2003
Washington State University (WSU), Museum of Art Project, Pullman, WA2010
Olson, Sheri, "Marine Technology Facility, Seattle Central Community College", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 36-41, 2001. Hayes, Denis, "Green Is Naturally Beautiful", Arcade, 30: 2, 12-14, 2012 Spring. Cimino, Steve, "30 years of high performance: an energy leader who preached efficiency before there were buzzwords", Architect, 105: 3, 47-48, 2016-03. Cimino, Steve, "The Elements of Energy ", Architect, 105: 3, 41, 2016-03. Peters, Terri, "Superarchitecture: Building for Better Health", Architectural Design, 87: 2, 24-31, 2017-03/04. Gonchar, Joann, "A Deeper Shade of Green", Architectural Record, 201: 6, 217-224, 2013-06. Logan, Katharine, "Seattle's new outlook: Miller Hull's expansion of the Pike Place Market is a harbinger of big things to come for the city's waterfront ", Architectural Record, 206: 3, 71-75, 2018-03. Bernstein, Fred A, "Under the big top: Miller Hull Partnership and Lord Aeck Sargent complete an ultra-sustainable building at Georgia Tech", Architectural Record, 207: 12, 45-46, 2019-12. Gonchar, Joann , Hayes, Denis, "Climate champion: Denis Hayes", Architectural Record, 208: 4, 28-29, 2020-04. Gonchar, Joann, "The Living Building Challenge Grows Up", Architectural Record, 209: 2, 86-90, 2021-02. Fairley, Peter , "One Year in, Bullitt Center Exceeds Energy Goals", Architectural Record, 202: 6, 32, 2014-06. Woolliams, Jessica, "For the People", Canadian Architect, 59: 1, 26-30, 2014-01. Stephens, Brian, "Window and Storefront Thermal Performance", Construction Specifier, 66: 11, 16-28, 2013-11. "The Bullitt Center", Construction Specifier;, 70: 11, 42, 2017-11. "Bullitt Center Named Most Sustainable Office Building", ENR: Engineering News-Record, 274: 10, 12, 2015-04-13. Post, Nadine M., Blair, Scott, "2013 Best of the Best Projects", ENR: Engineering News-Record, 273: 07, 27-42, 2014-02-17. Newcomb, Tim, "Two Small Buildings Are Taking 'Green' to Big Extremes", ENR: Engineering News-Record, 267: 10, 13, 2011-10-10. Post, Nadine M., "Developing a Global Model for Sustainable Buildings", ENR: Engineering News-Record, 274: 02, 1, 2015-01-26. "Supersustainable Bullitt Center Certified Under the Most Rigorous Green Building Program", ENR: Engineering News-Record, 274: 1, 2015-04-06. "Green Buildings: Bullitt Center Occupants Finally Drinking Treated Rainwater", ENR: Engineering News-Record, 6, 2018-11-05. Post, Nadine M., "Daring To Jump in First: Santa Monica takes a high dive into deep sustainability waters in thirsty Southern California", ENR: Engineering News-Record, 16-23, 2018-09-17. Post, Nadine M., "Ray of Hope", ENR: Engineering News-Record, 275: 4, 50-56, 2015-08-10. "Seattle Office Building Achieves Net Zero Energy, Water", Engineered Systems, 31: 03, 14, 2014-03. Scheer, Roddy, "Building a Better Building", Environmental Magazine, 24: 01, 16-17, 2013-01/02. Gonchar, Joann , "Blueprint for Change: A Seattle Office Building Aims To Be Self-sustaining, Offering a New Model for Urban projects -- Bullitt Center, Seattle, [Miller Hull Partnership] ", GreenSource: The Magazine of Sustainable Design, 8: 3, 54-59, 2013-05/06. Fairley, Peter , "The Bullitt Overachieves", GreenSource: The Magazine of Sustainable Design, 9: 3, 1, 2014-05. Kolpas, Norman, "Rustic Refinement", Home, 08/2004. Vora, Shivani, "The Greenest Office Building in the World", Inc., 35: 06, 100-101, 2013-07/08. Miller, Rebecca T., "A Future Worth Living", Library Journal, 65: 02, 10, 2019-03. "Award Show", Lighting Design & Application, 46: 4, 66-67, 2016-04. Blander, Akiva, Gallow, Lauren, "Spectrum : an essential survey of architecture and design today", Metropolis, 41: 2, 27, Olson, Sheri, "Olympic College Shelton, Washington, 1995", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 86-91, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Discovery Park Visitor Center Seattle, Washington, 1997", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 136-141, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Environmental Pavilion Summer Olympics Atlanta, Georgia--Unbuilt 1996", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 96-97, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Novotny Cabin Decatur Island, Washington, 1990", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 48-53, 2001. Olsen, Sheri, "Roddy / Bale Residence Bellevue, Washington 1998", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 180-187, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Boeing Cafeteria Tukwila, Washington, 1991", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 54-59, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Art Studios Evergreen State College Olympia, Washington, 1990", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 42-47, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Michaels / Sisson Residence Mercer Island, Washington, 1998", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 172-179, 2001. Olsen, Sheri, "Fremont Public Association Seattle, Washington 1998", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 188-193, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Passenger-Only Ferry Terminal Seattle, Washington--Unbuilt 1995", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 92-95, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "University of Washington Coaches Boat House, Seattle, Washington, 1993", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 66-71, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Lake Washington School District Resource Center, Redmond, Washington, 1997", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 104-109, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Tahoma National Cemetery Kent, Washington 1997", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 110-115, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Point Roberts Border Station Point Roberts, Washington 1997", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 116-121, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "North Kitsap Transportation Center, Poulsbo, Washington 1997", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 122-127, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "NW Federal Credit Union, Seattle, Washington, 1996", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 98-103, 1996. Olson, Sheri, "Girvin Cabin Decatur Island, Washington, 1994", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 72-79, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "King County Library Service Center Issaquah, Washington, 2000", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 200-205, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Water Pollution Control Laboratory, Portland, Oregon, 1997", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 128-135, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Garfield Community Center, Seattle, Washington, 1994", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 80-85, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Vashon Island Transfer and Recycling Station, Vashon Island, Washington, 1999", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 194-199, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Campbell Orchard House Tieton, Washington 1998", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 156-163, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Ching Cabin, Maury Island, Washington 1998", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 164-171, 2001. Olson, Sheri, "Marquand Retreat Naches River Valley, Washington, 1992", Miller | Hull Architects of the Pacific Northwest, [New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2001], pp. 36-41.), 60-65, 2001. Olson, Sherri, Miller/Hull: Architects of the Pacific Northwest, 2001. Kahn, Brad, "A Successful Solar Project in Seattle", Mother Earth News, 272, 12, 2015-10/11. Nelson, Bryn, "Going Beyond Green", New York Times, 163: 56095, B1, B7, 2013-04-03. Nelson, Bryn, "The Self-Sufficient Office Building", New York Times, 161: 55549, 7, 2011-10-05. Holt, Gordy, "How does your rooftop grow? The benefits of going green on top are on the rise", Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 10, 06/24/2006. Davidow, Julie, "New edition of North East Library in 2004: Remodeling of city's busiest branch starts soon", Seattle Post-Intelligencer, B2, 04/19/2003. Upchurch, Michael, "Architect Robert Hull 'amazingly creative'", Seattle Times, B2, 2014-04-11. "Designs for Living Raise the roof", Sunset, 50, 03/2010. Peters, Jill, "Dream Cabin", Sunset Magazine, 08/2004. Ten Houses: Miller/Hull Partnership, 1999. Newcomb, Tim, "Silver Bullitt", Time Magazine, 180: 01, 60, 2012-07-02. Berton, Brad, "An Environmental Model for the Next 250 Years: Seattle's Bullitt Center ", Urban Land, 72: 9/10, 171-180, 2013-09/10.