Structure Type: built works - commercial buildings - office buildings
Designers: Magnusson Klemencic Associates (MKA) Structural + Civil Engineers (firm); Naramore, Bain, Brady, and Johanson, (NBBJ) (firm); Turner Construction Company (firm); William James Bain Jr. (architect); Clifton J. Brady (architect); Perry Bertil Johanson (architect); Ronald Klemencic (structural engineer); Jon Magnusson (structural engineer); Floyd Archibald Naramore (architect); Henry Chandlee Turner (building contractor/civil engineer)
Dates: constructed 1989
Dedicated 07/26/1989, the Office Building at 2 Union Square stands 740 feet (226 m.) tall, containing 56 stories; it stands as the th largest structure in the city; in 2006, Union Square LLC owned the property;
PCAD id: 5611