Structure Type: built works - dwellings - houses

Designers: Cutter and Poetz, Architects (firm); Longstaff and Black, Architects (firm); Henry Nelson Black (architect); Kirtland Kelsey Cutter (architect); Frank Longstaff (architect); John C. Poetz Jr. (architect)

Dates: constructed 1889-1890

1103 15th Street
Fairhaven, Bellingham, WA 98225

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Henry Matthews, in his book on Kirtland Kelsey Cutter Architect in the Land of Promise, (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press in association with the Eastern Washington Historical Society, Spokane, WA, 1998), p. 388 indicated that the James Wardner House at 1103 15th Street in Fairhaven was by Spokane architects Cutter and Poetz. They may have been the main designers, while Longstaff and Black were associated as site supervisors.

PCAD id: 13877