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Male, Scotland/US, born 1830, died 1915-05-23

Associated with the firms network

Wright and Sanders, Architects; Wright, John, Architect

Professional History


Principal, John Wright, Architect, San Francisco, CA.

Partner, Wright and [George H.] Sanders, San Francisco, CA, c. 1868- .

Professional Activities

John Wright served as the President of the San Francisco Chapter of Architects in 1882. (See "San Francisco Chapter of Architects,"California Architect and Building News,vol. III, no. 6, 06/1882, p. 79.)


Born and schooled in Scotland; Came to the US in 1866, according to the largely unreliable historian Henry Withey, perhaps from British Columbia; apparently, in 1864, Wright and Sanders had already collaborated on the Richard Carr House in the James Bay residential tract of Victoria, BC, Canada.

PCAD id: 832