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Perry Bertil Johanson
Advertisement for the Meany Hotel, Seattle, 1935; from the University of Washington Tyee Yearbook, 1935, p. 265
Advertisement for the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, WA, 1933. From the Seattle, Washington, City Directory, 1933, p. 1575
Aerial view of Safeco Field, Seattle, c. 2018; from Google Maps/Street View
Aerial view of the Northern Bank and Trust Building (top center), Seattle, WA, c. 2019. From Google Maps/Street View
Aerial view of the Safeco Tower #2, Seattle, c. 2017. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior of the Hearst Mining Building, University of California, Berkeley, 1921. From the University of California Blue and Gold Yearbook, 1921, p. 30, accessed 07/31/2024
Exterior of the Spring Apartment Hotel (right corner), Seattle, WA, 1923. From University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Seattle Photograph Collection, Photo #SEA0777
Exterior view looking northwest on 2nd Avenue of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Seattle, 2009; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Joe Mabel
Exterior view of 2 Union Square Office Building, Seattle, WA; photo by Sara Lachman
Exterior view of the 1001 Fourth Avenue Plaza Office Building, Seattle, c. 2007; from the University of Washington Libraries, photo by Sara Lachman
Exterior view of the 2 Union Square Office Building, Seattle, 2007; photo by Sara Lachman
Exterior view of the Clyde Hill Elementary School, Clyde Hill, WA, c. 1953; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections, photo from Dearborn-Massar
Exterior view of the Georgia Pacific Corporation Offices, Olympia, 2015; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Hearst Memorial Mining Building, University of California, Berkeley (UCB), c. 2015; from the UCB, College of Engineering
Exterior view of the International Fountain and Washington State Coliseum at night, Seattle, 1962; from Walter Straley Century 21 Exposition Photograph Collection, Museum of History & Industry, Seattle; All Rights Reserved, photo by Erven Kloostra
Exterior view of the Kingdome, with the U.S.S. Leahy in the foreground, Seattle, 1982; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Harold J. Gerwien
Exterior view of the Metropolitan Laundry Company Laundry, Seattle, WA, c. 2023. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Metropolitan Laundry, Seattle, 2007; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Joe Mabel
Exterior view of the Northern Bank and Trust Building, Seattle, WA, 2017. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Pacific Science Center under construction, Seattle, 1961; from Wikimedia Commons and the City of Seattle Municipal Archives
Exterior view of the Rainier Bank Tower, Seattle, WA, 2014. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Russell Investments Center, Seattle, WA, 2021. Photo by Daniel Eidelson for the Pacific Coast Architecture Database
Exterior view of the Russell Investments Center, Seattle, WA, 2021. Photo by Daniel Eidelson for the Pacific Coast Architecture Database
Exterior view of the Russell Investments Center, Seattle, WA, 2021. Photo by Daniel Eidelson for the Pacific Coast Architecture Database (PCAD)
Exterior view of the Seafirst Bank Headquarters #2, Seattle, c. 2007; from the University of1001 Fourth Avenue Plaza, Seattle, WA
Exterior view of the Seattle 1st National Bank Headquarters #2 from the Washington Mutual Tower, Seattle, 2008; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Cumulus Clouds
Exterior view of the Seattle Opera at the Center Building, Seattle, 2018. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the US District Courthouse as seen from Olive Way, Seattle, WA, 2016. From Wikimedia Commons, photo by SounderBruce
Exterior view of the UW Tower, Seattle, 2009; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Atomic Taco
Exterior view of the Waldo Clinic, Seattle, WA, 2019. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Washington State University Fine Arts Center, Pullman, c. 2017; from the WSU Insider web site, 11/27/2017
Exterior view of the White-Henry-Stuart Building, Seattle, 1927; from the University of Washington Libraries, Calvin F. Todd Collection
Exterior view of the White-Henry-Stuart Building, Seattle, WA, c. 1910. From the Museum of History and Industry Photograph Collection, Webster and Stevens, Photographers, Item #1983.10.8477
Exterior view of the base of the Rainier Bank Tower, Seattle, WA, 2018. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the office building at 1000 2nd Avenue, Seattle, WA, 2019. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the roof garden, Russell Investments Center, Seattle, WA, 2021. Photo by Daniel Eidelson for the Pacific Coast Architecture Database
Exterior view of the roof garden, Russell Investments Center, Seattle, WA, 2021. Photo by Daniel Eidelson for the Pacific Coast Architecture Database
Full page of the University of California, Blue and Gold Yearbook, 1921, illustrating and discussing the Hearst Mining Building, Berkeley, CA, 1921. From the University of California Blue and Gold Yearbook, 1921, p. 30, accessed 08/07/2024
Interior view of the Clyde Hill Elementary School, Clyde Hill, WA, c. 1953; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, photo by Dearborn-Massar
Interior view of the Hearst Memorial Mining Building central atrium, Berkeley, 2010; from Wikimedia Commons and Flickr Commons, photo by Joe Parks
Photograph of the members of the Corregidor-Bataan Memorial Competition Committee, likely Washington, DC, c. 1955. Emmet O'Neal, a US Representative from Kentucky and former Ambassador to the Philippines (1947-1948), who co-chaired the committee, was seated third from left, while Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz sat second from left. Architect Pietro Belluschi, co-chair of the committee, was seated in the first row, first on the right; From the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).gov, Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, accessed 06/13/2023
Post card view of Lincoln High School, Seattle, c. 1914; Oakes Photo Co. postcard, from Dorpat Sherrard Lomont
Postcard of Lincoln High School, Seattle, c. 1909; from the author's collection, postcard by the Portland Postcard Company, Portland, OR, Card #5505
Postcard view of the Neil House, Columbus, OH, c. 1925; from www.tallgeorge.com
Postcard view of the Olympic Hotel, Seattle, WA, c. 1950; from Historylink.org
Postcard view of the Pacific Science Center, Seattle, 1968; from Wikimedia Commons and the City of Seattle Municipal Archives;
Satellite view of the Seattle Federal Courthouse #3, (center), Seattle, WA, 2020. From Google Maps/Street View
Site plan of the Washington State University Fine Arts Center, Pullman, 2018; from Washington State University (WSU) Pullman Campus Map web site
View of the Federal Courthouse #3's front plaza and its rows of protective bollards, plantings and stairs, Seattle, WA, 2019. From Google Maps/Street View