Male, born 1950

Associated with the firm network

Van Valkenburg, Michael, Associates, Incorporated, (MVVA) Landscape Architects

Professional History

Principal, Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Incorporated, Landscape Architects, New York, NY, and Cambridge, MA.

Instructor, Landscape Architecture Studios on use of plants, Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD), Department of Landscape Architecture, 1982-present; Program Director, Harvard GSD, Department of Landscape Architecture, 1987-1989; Chairman, Harvard GSD, Department of Landscape Architecture, 1991-1996; serves as Charles Eliot Professor in Practice at Harvard GSD.


B.S.L.Arch., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; M.L.Arch., University of Illinois, College of Fine Arts, Urbana-Champaign, IL.


Van Valkenburgh served as a Design Consultant for the reconstruction of the Rainier Vista portion of the University of Washington Campus, c. 2008.

PCAD id: 4278