Male, born 1935-08-28

Associated with the firm network

Hartman Cox Architects

Professional History


Draftsman, Studio BBPR, Milan, Italy, Summer 1954 and Summer 1958.

Technology Editor, Architectural Forum, New York, NY.

Designer, Keyes, Lethbridge and Condon, Architects, Washington, DC, -1965

Partner, Hartman Cox Architects, Washington, DC, 1965-present.

Professional Activities

Member, DC Preservation League, Board of Directors, Washington, DC.

Member, Center for Palladian Studies in America, Board of Directors, Charlottesville, VA.

Member, Commission of Fine Arts, Georgetown Board, Washington, DC.

Professional Awards

Fellow, American Institute of Architects (FAIA).

Recipient, Louis Sullivan Award for Architecture, AIA, Illinois State Chapter, 1972, to Hartman-Cox Architects.

Recipient, American Institute of Architect's Firm Award to Hartman-Cox Architects, 1988.

Recipient, Institute of Classical Architecture and Classical America, Arthur Ross Award for Hartman-Cox Architects,



Graduate, Hill School, Pottstown, PA, 1953.

B.A.., Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1953-1957.

M.Arch., Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1981.

College Awards

Magna cum laude, Yale University, New Haven, CT, 1957.

Recipient, Henry Adams Prize, Yale University, New Haven, CT.



Born in New York City during the Depression, Cox attended college preparatory school at the Hill School, Pottstown, PA.

PCAD id: 4261