Male, US

Associated with the firms network

Solomon, Daniel, Design Partners; Solomon, Daniel, and Associates

Professional History

Principal, Solomon E.T.C., San Francisco, CA; this firmed merged with WRT in 2001. Principal, Daniel Solomon Design Partners, San Francisco, CA;

Professor, University of California, Berkeley, College of Environmental Design, Department of Architecture, Berkeley, CA, 35 years.

Solomon gave lecture, "Cloth from Threads," at the Yale University School of Architecture, New Haven, CT, on 03/29/2004; Solomon made up part of a jury created to judge an architectural competition staged by the American Institute of Architects, Redwood Empire Chapter, 11/05/2010. (Other judges included Alice Kimm, Mark Jensen and Taal Safdie.) Solomon wrote three books, including Rebuilding, Global City Blues and Cosmopolis.

Included in the list, “The 100 Foremost Architects," Architectural Digest two times; recipient, Maybeck Award, American Institute of Architects California Council (AIACC), for achievement in design, 2004; voted a “Housing Hero," Housing Action Coalition, 2008; Fellow, American Institute of Architects (FAIA);

PCAD id: 1477