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John Edward Powell, Historic Fresno
Powell noted of the Fresno architecture firm, Felchlin, Shaw and Franklin: "In 1912 Franklin moved to Fresno to work for the R. F. Felchlin Company. Licensed as an architect in 1917, Franklin became a full partner in the firm of Felchlin, Shaw & Franklin in 1925. The partnership became one of the first full-service, turn-key firms in the State, and designed or built many of Fresno's largest buildings, creating the skyline that characterizes the city today. Among the firm's major projects were the Bank of Italy Building (1918), the Patterson Building (1922), the San Joaquin Light & Power Building (1923), the Pacific Southwest Building (1923), and the Radin & Kamp Department Store (1925). Felchlin, Shaw & Franklin also built the Californian Hotel (1922), designed by H. Rafael Lake for Sun Maid Hotel Corporation. It has been said that 'Felchlin got the jobs, Shaw made them look good, and Franklin made them stand up.'"
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