Structure Type: built works - commercial buildings - stores

Designers: Morgan, Walls and Morgan, Associated Architects and Engineers (firm); Octavius Morgan (architect); Octavius Weller Morgan Sr. (architect); John A. Walls (architect)

Dates: constructed 1920-1921

1 story

3640 Whittier Boulevard
East Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90023

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The Southwest Builder and Contractor indicated in 1921 that the Odd Fellows Cemetery Association was seeking to build a store from which to derive rental income for the maintenance of the cemetery. It said: "Brick store building...Architects Morgan, Walls & Morgan...have prepared plans for a 1-story brick store building, 120x60 feet on Stephenson Ave. [renamed Whittier Boulevard] for Odd Fellows Cemetery Association..." (See "Odd Fellows Building," Southwest Builder and Contractor, 11/25/1921, p. 17, col. 1. Card from the Los Angeles Public Library California Index.) Burial benefits were an important enticement fraternal orders could offer potential members.

PCAD id: 19861