Structure Type: built works - dwellings - houses
Designers: Anderson, Ralph D., Architect (firm); Ralph Donald Anderson Jr. (architect)
Dates: constructed 1952
This modernist glass house was lived in by Anderson and his wife Shirley during the early years of their marriage. Its openness proved somewhat impractical in the cool Northwest climate.
Architect's own house; when interviewed in 2007, Anderson stated of this residence: "When I first got out of the University of Washington, in 1951, I built a glass house, a very simplistic house. I was in my modernist glass-box phase, which didn't last too long. It was a beautiful setting at Hidden Lake, and I lived in that for a while. I kept trying to warm it up in the wintertime and finally put some sheer draperies on the windows. From that, I moved on to the Northwest design style. I felt more comfortable living in that sort of space." (See Dean Stahl, "Taking the Long View,"
PCAD id: 14473