AKA: Odd Fellows Building, Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles, CA
Structure Type: built works - public buildings - assembly halls; built works - recreation areas and structures
Designers: Morgan, Walls and Morgan, Associated Architects and Engineers (firm); Octavius Morgan (architect); Octavius Weller Morgan Sr. (architect); John A. Walls (architect)
Dates: constructed 1911-1912
Morgan, Walls and Morgan, Architects had good contacts within the International Order of Odd Fellows throughout Southern CA, and built extensively for the group. (The firm did designs for at least 6 lodge buildings for the Odd Fellows in the region.) This lodge hall was described as three stories tall, with retail spaces on the first floor to generate income for the group. Above, were located meeting rooms for the Lincoln Heights IOOF chapter. (See Southwest Builder and Contractor, 06/01/1911, p. 7, col. 3 and Southwest Builder and Contractor, 06/15/1911, p. 17.)
PCAD id: 10864