Male, US, born 1886-10-08, died 1962-09-24

Associated with the firms network

Ashley and Evers, Architects; Ashley, Keyser and Runge, Architects

Professional History


Partner, Ashley and Evers, Architects, San Francisco, CA, -1923.

Partner, Ashley and Evers, Architects, San Francisco, CA, and Los Angeles, CA, 1923- . In 10/1923, Ashley and Evers opened a new office in Los Angeles, in addition to the original one in San Francisco. George Ashley took charge of the Los Angeles space in Room #518 of the Mortgage Guaranty Building, while Evers remained in control of the original at 58 Sutter Street. (See "Personals," American Architect and Architectural Review, CXXIV: 2432, 11/07/1923, p. 12.)

Professional Activities

Member, American Institute of Architects (AIA), San Francisco Chapter, 1923.


B.Arch., University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, 1908.


Born in California, he died in Alameda County, CA, at the age of 75.

His mother's maiden name was Sharpe.

Ashley traveled in England, France, Germany, Italy, Greece and Turkey in 1907. He traveled to Paris and study for study in design, 1908-1909. Ashley also traveled to the north and west China, Korea, and Japan between 1915-1920.

PCAD id: 977