Male, born 1949-09-22

Associated with the firms network

Jones and Jones, Architects, Landscape Architects, Planners, Limited; The Richardson Associates (TRA) Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Interiors

Professional History


Architect, City of Providence, Office of the Mayor, Office of Community Development, Providence, RI, c. 1976-1979.

Urban Designer, The Conservation Company, Seattle, WA, c. 1979.

Urban Designer, Jones and Jones, Architects, Landscape Architects, Planners, Limited, Seattle, WA.

Urban Designer, The Richardson Associates (TRA), Seattle, WA.

Urban Planner, City of Boston, Boston, MA, 1988-1991.

Urban Planner, City of Seattle, 1991-1995. She supervised the production of the City of Seattle's Towards a Sustainable Seattle growth management plan.

Chief Planner, City of Boston, Boston, MA, 2001-2005.

Director of Urban Design and Architecture, City of Boston, Boston, MA.

Director of Strategic Growth, Brown University, Providence, RI, 2005- 2010.

University Architect / Associate Vice Provost for Campus and Capital Planning, University of Washington, Seattle (UW), Seattle, WA, 2010-2018.

Professional Activities


Member, Association of University Architects.

Professional Awards

Fellow, American Institute of Architects (AIA), 2000.



B.A., American civilization with a focus on urban studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, 1971.

Coursework, Boston Architectural Center (BAC), Boston, MA, c. 1974.

M.Arch., University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 1976.

Loeb Fellow,Harvard University, Graduate School of Design School, Cambridge, MA.

PCAD id: 8252