Male, born 1899-04-30

Associated with the firms network

Allison and Allison, Architects; Coate, Roland E., Sr., Architect; Marsh, Smith and Powell, Architects; Parker, Benjamin, Architect; Witmer and Watson, Architects

Professional History


Draftsman, Allison and Allison, Architects, Los Angeles, CA, 1923-1924. Parker would have been in the Allison and Allison office at the time of its work on the UCLA campus in Westwood.

Draftsman, Witmer and Watson, Architects, Los Angeles, CA, 1924-1926.

Draftsman, Roland E. Coate, Sr., Architect, Los Angeles, CA, 1926-1928, 1936.

Designer, Marsh, Smith and Powell, Architects, Los Angeles, CA, 1937, 1943.

Principal, Benjamin Parker, Architect, Duarte, CA, c. 1938- .

Professional Activities

Member, American Institute of Architects, Southern California Chapter, Los Angeles, CA, c. 1955.

Registered Architect in the State of CA, c. 1955.



Coursework, University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, 1921-1922.

Coursework, University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA), Night School, Los Angeles, CA, 1925-1926.



Born in Clovis, CA, Parker relocated to Los Angeles, CA, for college at the University of Southern California (USC) during 1921-1922.


Parker married in 1923.

Biographical Notes

In 1955, Parker reported having traveled in England, France, Switzerland, Canada and Hawaii.

Associated Locations

PCAD id: 7681