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for the person
Frederick Herman Meyer
East Elevation of the San Francisco City Hall #5, San Francisco, c. 1912; from the Architect and Engineer, vol. 29, no. 3, July 1912, p. 46
Exterior view of Das Deutsches Haus, San Francisco, CA, 2023. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 05/01/2024
Exterior view of Lincoln High School main entry, San Francisco, c. 2010; from San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
Exterior view of Lincoln High School, San Francisco, c. 2010; from the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
Exterior view of the 2032-2034 Baker Street Duplex House, (center), San Francisco, CA, 2015. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the 2195 Green Street Apartment Building, San Francisco, CA, 2017. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Bethlehem Pacific Coast Steel Corporation's Shipbuilding Division Headquarters, San Francisco, c. 2008; from Port of San Francisco.com, "Pier 70 Area: Bethlehem Steel Office Building - Building 101," accessed 10/08/2018.
Exterior view of the Grant Arms Apartments, San Francisco, CA, 2019. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the San Francisco City Hall, 2003; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Nicholas Shanks
Exterior view of the apartment building at 775 Post Street, San Francisco, CA, 2019. From Google Maps/Street View
Postcard view of the Cadillac Hotel, San Francisco, c. 1915; from the author's collection
Postcard view of the Humboldt Bank Building, San Francisco, c. 1910; from the author's collection, postcard by the Pacific Novelty Company, Publishers, San Francisco, CA
Satellite view of Das Deutsches Haus, later Academy of Art University, School of Fashion Building, San Francisco, CA, c. 2024. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 05/01/2024