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William Wilson Wurster
Distant view of 555 California Street, San Francisco, 2010; from Flickr Commons, photo by Ed Clayton
Elevation, Carquinez Heights Defense Housing, Vallejo, CA, 1941-1942
Exterior view of the 555 California Street Office Building, San Francisco, 2004; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Cookaa
Exterior view of the Sugar Bowl Lodge, Norden, CA, William Wurster, Architect, c. 1940; from Wikimedia Commons
Portrait of Nelson T. Nowell, Palo Alto, c. 1924; from the Stanford Quad yearbook, p. 303
Portraits of Edith and Frederick Kellam, New York, 1924. From Ancestry.com, US Passport Application Photographs, 05/24/1924
Presentation sketch of the site plan of the Upper San Leandro Filtration Plant, San Leandro, CA, William Wurster, Architect, 1926. From University of California, Berkeley, College of Environmental Design, Environmental Design Archives.edu, https://exhibits.ced.berkeley.edu/exhibits/show/infrastructure/item/1443 accessed 2024-07-25
Satellite view of the Gerbode House (upper center), San Francisco, CA, 2024. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 07/25/2024
Satellite view of the Paul and Harriet Eliel House (center), Stanford, CA, 2024. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 07/24/2024
Satellite view of the Upper San Leandro Filtration Plant, San Leandro, CA, 2024. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 07/25/2024
Site plan, Carquinez Heights War Housing, Vallejo, CA, 1941-1942
View of the Bingham Copper Mine, Utah, 2005; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Tim Jarrett