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John Galen Howard
Drone photograph of 1401 Le Roy Avenue House, Berkeley, CA, c. 2024. From the City of Berkeley, Landmarks Preservation Commission.gov, "Report on1401 Le Roy Avenue - John Galen Howard House." accessed 02/19/2025
East Elevation of the San Francisco City Hall #5, San Francisco, c. 1912; from the Architect and Engineer, vol. 29, no. 3, July 1912, p. 46
Elevation drawings of the Mines / Oriental Building, AYPE, Seattle, WA, 1909. From University of Washington Libraries. Special Collections Division, U.W. Architect. Accession No. 73-28, Folder 15, Item #ARC0013
Exterior of the Hearst Mining Building, University of California, Berkeley, 1921. From the University of California Blue and Gold Yearbook, 1921, p. 30, accessed 07/31/2024
Exterior photo of Doe Library, University of Calfiornia, Berkeley, CA, 1921. From the University of California Blue and Gold Yearbook, 1921, p. 32, accessed 07/31/2024
Exterior view of Architecture Hall, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2011. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of LeConte Hall, UCB, Berkeley, c. 1926; from the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Bancroft Library
Exterior view of Meany Hall #1, Seattle, n.d.; from the University of Washington, Seattle, Libraries, Special Collections Division
Exterior view of the AYPE Auditorium, Seattle, WA, 1909. From Plummer's Business and Professional Directory of Seattle, 1909, np
Exterior view of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific-Exposition, Agriculture Building, Seattle, 1909; postcard from the Tacoma Public Library, produced by the Portland Post Card Company
Exterior view of the Doe Library, University of California, Berkeley, 2003; phot from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Minesweeper
Exterior view of the Hearst Memorial Mining Building, University of California, Berkeley (UCB), c. 2015; from the UCB, College of Engineering
Exterior view of the Machinery Hall, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific-Exposition, Seattle, 1909; postcard from the Tacoma Public Library, produced by the Portland Post Card Co.
Exterior view of the Pan-American Exposition, Electric Tower, Buffalo, NY, 1901; from Wikimedia Commons, photo scanned from C. D. Arnold, Official Views of Pan-American Exposition (Buffalo, N.Y.: C.D. Arnold, 1901)
Exterior view of the San Francisco City Hall, 2003; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Nicholas Shanks
Exterior view of the Sather Tower and Gate, Berkeley, 2011; from the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Berkeley News, 12/2011
Exterior view of the Tacoma Theatre, Tacoma, c. 1907; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
Exterior view of the Warren and Sarah Gregory House #2, Rose Le Roy, from Rose Street, Berkeley, CA, 2018. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 12/04/2024
Exterior view of the Warren and Sarah Gregory House #2, Rose Le Roy, from Rose Street, Berkeley, CA, 2019. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 12/04/2024
Exterior view of the former Italian-American Bank and the skyscraper above it at 456 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA, 2018. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 06/04/2024
First Floor plan of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Fine Arts Building (upper left center), Seattle, WA, 1909. From Wikimedia Commons, Digital Sanborn Maps 1867-1970, 03/1909.
Full page of the University of California, Blue and Gold Yearbook, 1921, illustrating and discussing the Hearst Mining Building, Berkeley, CA, 1921. From the University of California Blue and Gold Yearbook, 1921, p. 30, accessed 08/07/2024
Interior view of the AYPE Agriculture Building, Seattle, 1909; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, photo by Asahel Curtis
Interior view of the Hearst Memorial Mining Building central atrium, Berkeley, 2010; from Wikimedia Commons and Flickr Commons, photo by Joe Parks
Location of the Mines / Oriental Building (labeled "Mines," circled) at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, WA, 1909. From the Penn State University Libraries, Rare Maps Collection, map by the J.N. Matthews Company, Buffalo, NY
Magazine illustration of the Howard, Cauldwell and Morgan design entry in the Hearst UC Berkeley Design Competition, Berkeley, 1899; from the Art Instiitute of Chicago, scan from the Inland Architect, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 90
Map of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Agriculture Building (center left), Seattle, WA, 1909. From the "Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition," University of Washington Libraries, Digital Collections
Plan of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Auditorium, (left center), Seattle, WA, 1909. From Wikimedia Commons, map by the Sanborn Map Company (New York: Sanborn Map Company, 1909)
Portrait of Edmond S. Meany, c. 1925; from the University of Washington, Botanic Gardens, Elizabeth C. Miller Library
Portrait of Jane Krom Sather, c. 1905; from the University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley News, 12/09/2011
Portrait of John Galen Howard in his Red Cross uniform, 1918. From the University of California, Berkeley, California Faces: Selections from The Bancroft Library Portrait Collection Item #POR: Howard, John Galen:8
Portrait of John Galen Howard, 1901; from the American Monthly Review of Reviews, v. 23, no. 137, 06/1901, p. 683
Portrait of John Galen Howard, Boston, 1886; from Calisphere, photo by George H. Hastings
Portrait of Mary Robertson Bradbury Howard, wife of John Galen Howard, photo taken 1924. From Ancestry.com, Source Citation: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington D.C.; Volume 22: Special Series-San Francisco. Source Information: U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2007, accessed 01/02/2019
Postcard of the Berkeley Public Library, Berkeley, CA, c. 1920. Postcard by Edward H. Mitchell, San Francisco, CA, Card #2259, from the Calisphere.org and the Berkeley Public Library, Item #CB_178, accessed 06/12/2024
Postcard of the Sather Tower under construction, Berkeley, c. 1914; from the author's collection
Postcard of the University of Washington, Meany Hall #1, Seattle, WA, c. 1950. From the author's collection, unmarked postcard
Postcard view of the 1st National Bank of Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, c. 1905. Postcard by Edward H. Mitchell, San Francisco, CA, Card #1701, accessed 06/13/2024
Postcard view of the Agriculture Building, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, 1909; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
Postcard view of the Agriculture Building at night, Seattle, 1909; from the author's collection
Postcard view of the Agriculture Building, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, WA, 1908. From the author's collection, postcard by the Portland Post Card Company, Portland, OR and Seattle, WA, Card #6130
Postcard view of the Fine Arts Building, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, Seattle, WA, 1908; from Wikimedia Commons.org
Postcard view of the Mines / Oriental (labeled "Mines") Building, Alaska-Yukon-Pacific-Exposition, Seattle, WA, 1909; scan by the Tacoma Public Library
Postcard view of the Mines / Oriental Foreign Exhibit Building, Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition, Seattle, 1909; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
Postcard view of the Mines / Oriental Foreign Exhibits Building, AYPE, Seattle, WA, 1909. From From the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections, Robert and Nancy Becker AYPE Postcard Collection. PH Coll 78, Item #AYP1348, accessed 05/21/2024.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map location of the former AYPE Mines / Oriental Building, later the Armory (upper right), Seattle, WA, 1919. From Sanborn Insurance Maps of Seattle, WA, Vol. Six, 1919, Sheet #699I, accessed 05/21/2024
Satellite view of Memorial Stadium, University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Berkeley, CA. From Google Maps/Street View
Satellite view of the University of California, Berkeley, Doe Library, Berkeley, CA, 2024. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 07/31/2024
Satellite view of the Warren and Sarah Gregory House #2, Rose Le Roy, (upper left), Berkeley, CA, c. 2024. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 12/04/2024
Satellite view of the site of the former University of California, Berkeley, Printing Office at 2 Barrow Lane, Berkeley, CA, c. 2024. From Google Maps/Street View, accesse 06/12/2024