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Warren Heywood Williams
Drawing of the Merchant Hotel, Portland, OR, 1885; from the Seattle City Directory, 1885, p. 55; drawing by F. Phillippi
Exterior of the McNaught House when it was used as the Rainier Club, Seattle, WA, sometime between 1888 and 1893. From University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Asahel Curtis Collection, Item #CUR1649
Exterior view of Calvary Presbyterian Church, Portland, OR, 2011. From Wikimedia Commons, photo by Steve Morgan
Exterior view of Villard Hall, Eugene, c. 1920; from Wikimedia Commons; photo scanned from Charles Henry Carey, History of Oregon. (Chicago, Portland, OR: Pioneer Historical Publishing Company, 1922)
Exterior view of Villard Hall, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1955; from the Library of Congress, Historic American Building Survey
Exterior view of the Hotel Hillcrest (lower left corner), Seattle, WA, c. 1923. From the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Seattle Photograph Collection, Photo #SEA0777
Exterior view of the Masonic Building, Eugene, OR, 1955. From the University of Oregon Libraries, Oregon Digital Collection, photo by Marion Dean Ross, Item #mdr01163
Exterior view of the McNaught House, Seattle, WA, c. 1905. From the Seattle Public Library, Seattle Historical Photograph Collection, Item #spl_shp_13811
Exterior view of the McNaught House, Seattle, c. 1889; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Boyd and Braas Photographs
Exterior view of the Merchant Hotel, Portland, OR, 2016. From Wikimedia Commons, photo by Steve Morgan
Exterior view of the Morris Marks House, Portland, OR, 2013. From Wikimedia Commons, photograph by Ian Poellet
Exterior view of the Wasco County Courthouse #1, The Dalles, OR, 1978. From University of Oregon Libraries, Digital Collection, photo by Marion Dean Ross
Exterior view of the Wasco County Courthouse #1, The Dalles, OR, c. 1970. From From the University of Oregon Libraries, Oregon Digital collection, photo by Nick Butterfield
Exterior views of the 1st Presbyterian Church, Stacy Residence, and 1st Methodist Episcopal Church #2, Seattle, 1890; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, photo by Arthur Churchill Warner
Lithographed drawing of the Blagen Building, Portland, 1890. From James M. Wood, Portland Real Estate Map, 1890, from Vintage Portland.com, accessed 11/30/2018