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for the person
John LeBaron Wright
Aerial view of the Norton Building, Seattle, c. 2017; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of Expeditors International Building, Seattle, WA, 2021. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 03/03/2023
Exterior view of Suzzallo Library, Seattle, 2006; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by X-Weinzar
Exterior view of Suzzallo taken from the west, before construction of Red Square, Seattle, c. 1955; from "1953-1956 Campus Photos," University of Washington, Department of Mathematics, accessed 08/22/2018
Exterior view of UW Benson Hall, Seattle, 2007; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Mrcaffeine
Exterior view of south facade, La Sainte-Chapelle, Paris, n.d.; from chest of books.com
Exterior view of the Norton Building (center) looking west on 3rd Avenue, Seattle, 2017; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Seattle Public Library, Main Library #2, Seattle, WA, 1960. From the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Charles R. Pearson Photograph Collection (PH Coll. 1623), Item #MPH3160
Exterior view of the Seattle Public Library, Main Library #2, Seattle, c. 1960; from the Seattle Public Library
Exterior view of the Suzzallo Library Main Entry, Seattle, 2009; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Joe Mabel
Interior view of the Suzzallo Library Reading Room, University of Washington, Seattle, c. 2017; from University of Washington (UW), Facilities Services, Surplus Inventory Department
Interior view of the Suzzllo Library Reading Room, Seattle, 2007; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Joe Mabel
Plan of Suzzallo Library, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 04/1929; from University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
Portrait of Henry Suzzallo, 1921; from the Tyee, scan from Wikimedia Commons, by Joe Mabel
Postcard view of the Suzzallo Library, University of Washington, 30 years before the construction of Red Square, Seattle, c. 1936; from the author's collection, postcard by J. Boyd Ellis, Arlington, WA