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William Ely Boone
Drawing of the Yesler-Leary Block with proposed addition, Seattle, c. 1883; from the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections Division
Exterior View of the Yesler-Leary Building, Seattle, c. 1885; from DorpatSherrardLomont
Exterior of the Phelan Building, San Francisco, c. 1895; from http://dancurlhomeinspector.com
Exterior photo of the New York Building, Seattle, WA, 1910. Photo by Asahel Curtis, University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections, Asahel Curtis Photo Company Collection no. 482, Item #CUR797, accessed 12/06/2023
Exterior view from the intersection of 2nd Avenue and University Street of the Walker Building, Seattle, WA, c. 1906, From the Museum of Science and Industry, (MOHAI), Seattle, WA, Seattle Businesses and Buildings Photograph Album, Item #1972.5346.13
Exterior view of the Annie Wright Seminary #1, Tacoma, WA, 1913. From R.L. Polk and Company's Tacoma, Washington, City Directory, 1913, advertising insert after p. 712, accessed 02/05/2025
Exterior view of the Boston Block following the Seattle Fire of 06/06/1889; from University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Seattle Photograph Collection
Exterior view of the Boston Building, Seattle, 1904; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Early Advertising Collection
Exterior view of the Colonial Building, Seattle, c. 1895; from Dorpat Sherrard Lomont
Exterior view of the Frink Building, also called the Washington Shoe Manufacturing Company Building, Seattle, WA, 1892 (Photo by Joe Mabel)
Exterior view of the Henry Yesler House, Seattle, c. 1899; from Wikimedia Commons, scan from Alfred D. Bowen, Seattle and the Orient, (Seattle: Times Publishing Company, 1900), p. 152
Exterior view of the Henry and Sarah Yesler House (left) and the Katzenjammer Castle (right), Seattle, c. 1895; from Dorpat Sherrard Lomont
Exterior view of the Marshall-Walker Building, Seattle, WA, 2022. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Merchants National Bank #1, Seattle, c. 1885; from DorpatSherrardLamont
Exterior view of the New York Building, Seattle, c. 1920; from HistoryLink.org and the Tacoma Public Library
Exterior view of the Plymouth Congregational Church #2, Seattle, WA, 1911. From the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Arthur Churchill Warner Photograph Collection, Item #WAR0335
Exterior view of the San Francisco Store (aka Toklas and Singerman Store #3), lower right, Seattle, c. 1885. From the University of Wasington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Photo #CUR43, photo by Asahel Curtis
Exterior view of the Seattle Central High School, c. 1890; from HistoryLink.org
Exterior view of the Seattle High School, Seattle, c. 1908; from Wikimedia Commons, photo scanned from Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition, Fully Illustrated - Meet Me in Seattle 1909, p. 56
Exterior view of the South School, Seattle, c. 1889; from Dorpat Sherrard Lomont
Exterior view of the Yesler-Leary Building (left rear) and the Occidental Hotel (front right), Seattle, 1884; from Wikimedia Commons, a scan of S. E. Fleming, Civics (supplement): Seattle King County, (Seattle: Seattle Public Schools, 1919), Plate facing page 20
Exterior view of the Yesler-Leary Building with its addition (left) being built, Seattle, c. 1887; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
Exterior view of the burned Yesler House, Seattle, 1901; from Dorpat Sherrard Lomont
Exterior view of the east facade of the Seattle High School Auditorium, Seattle, 2015; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the west facade of the Seattle High School Auditorium, Seattle, 2018; photo by Alan Michelson for PCAD
Fire insurance map location of the New York Building (left), Seattle, WA, 1893. From Sanborn Map Company, Seattle, Washington, 1893, Sheet: 8R, (New York, NY: Sanborn Map Company, 1893), accessed 12/07/1923
Fire insurance map view of the Boston Building (upper center), Seattle, WA, 1893. From Sanborn Map Company, Seattle, Washington, 1893, Sheet: 8R, (New York, NY: Sanborn Map Company, 1893), accessed 12/12/1923
News article announcing the construction of the Seattle City Hall #1, 1882. From "Building Intelligence: Seattle," California Architect and Building News, vol. III, no. 7, 07/1882, p. 106
Newspaper article discussing plans by Boone and Willcox to design new UW campus, 1891; from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 08/23/1891, p. 8
Newspaper article indicating construction bids not reliable, 1891; from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 09/25/1891, p. 8
Portrait of Angus Mackintosh, Seattle, WA, c. 1900. From "Angus Mackintosh Dies in California," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 07/06/1904, p. 9
Portrait of Corliss P. Stone, c. 1895; from the Seattle Municipal Archives
Portrait of Henry Yesler, c. 1890 from Frederic James Grant, History of Seattle, Washington with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers, American Publishing and Engraving Co., 1891, p. 51; Scanned by Wikimedia Commons
Portrait of Paul Singerman, Seattle, 1903; from the Seattle Times, 11/22/1903, p. 3
Portrait of Sarah Burgert Yesler in 1868; from HistoryLink.org
Portrait of William E. Boone, 1893; from Historylink.org and UW Libraries, Special Collections Division
Postcard view of the Seattle High School, c. 1910; from author's own collection, postcard by W.G. MacFarlane, Publisher
Postcard view of the Sullivan and Adler's Auditorium Building, Chicago, c. 1910; from Boston College, Digital Archive of American Architecture
Print view of the Seattle City Hall #1, Seattle, c. 1882. From the Seattle Municipal Archives.gov, "Seattle City Halls,"
Printed advertisement for Boone and Willcox, Architects, Seattle, 1891; from R.L. Polk and Company's Seattle City Directory, 1891, p. 30
Real estate map location of the Marshall-Walker Building and Hotel (upper right), Seattle, WA, 1912. From Baist's Real Estate Atlas of Surveys of Seattle, Wash. Complete in One Volume, [Philadelphia: George William Baist, 1912], map #1L
Real estate map location of the Walker Building, (center left), Seattle, WA, 1905. From Insurance Maps of Seattle, Washington, Volume Two, 1905, SHEET: 138; via Fire Insurance Maps Online (FIMo)
Satellite view of the Marshall-Walker Building (grey rectangle center), Seattle, WA, 2023. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 03/16/2023
Site map of the Plymouth Congregational Church #2 (lower center), Seattle, WA, 1908. From Baist's Real Estate Atlas of Surveys of Seattle, Wash. 1908, (Philadelphia: G.W. Baist, 1908), Sheet 2R.
University of Washington (UW) Campus Plan of 1891, devised by architect William E. Boone, Seattle, WA, 1891. From the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, UW Campus Photographs Collection, Item #UWC0792