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William James Bain Sr.
Advertisement for the Meany Hotel, Seattle, 1935; from the University of Washington Tyee Yearbook, 1935, p. 265
Aerial view of Safeco Field, Seattle, c. 2018; from Google Maps/Street View
Aerial view of Yesler Terrace, Seattle, 2012; from from from the UW Department of Architecture Arch [BE] Log, photo by John Stamets
Aerial view of the Gates Foundation Office Buildings (center), Seattle, c. 2018; from Google Maps/Street View
Aerial view of the Gates Foundation, as seen from the Seattle Space Needle, Seattle, 2016; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Gerbil21
Aerial view of the Hamrick House, Seattle, c. 2017; from Google Maps/Street View
Aerial view of the Northern Bank and Trust Building (top center), Seattle, WA, c. 2019. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior of the Spring Apartment Hotel (right corner), Seattle, WA, 1923. From University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Seattle Photograph Collection, Photo #SEA0777
Exterior view looking northwest on 2nd Avenue of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Seattle, 2009; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Joe Mabel
Exterior view of the 1001 Fourth Avenue Plaza Office Building, Seattle, c. 2007; from the University of Washington Libraries, photo by Sara Lachman
Exterior view of the Clyde Hill Elementary School, Clyde Hill, WA, c. 1953; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections, photo from Dearborn-Massar
Exterior view of the Georgia Pacific Corporation Offices, Olympia, 2015; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the International Fountain and Washington State Coliseum at night, Seattle, 1962; from Walter Straley Century 21 Exposition Photograph Collection, Museum of History & Industry, Seattle; All Rights Reserved, photo by Erven Kloostra
Exterior view of the Kingdome, with the U.S.S. Leahy in the foreground, Seattle, 1982; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Harold J. Gerwien
Exterior view of the Northern Bank and Trust Building, Seattle, WA, 2017. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Pacific Science Center under construction, Seattle, 1961; from Wikimedia Commons and the City of Seattle Municipal Archives
Exterior view of the Seafirst Bank Headquarters #2, Seattle, c. 2007; from the University of1001 Fourth Avenue Plaza, Seattle, WA
Exterior view of the Seattle 1st National Bank Headquarters #2 from the Washington Mutual Tower, Seattle, 2008; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Cumulus Clouds
Exterior view of the Seattle Opera at the Center Building, Seattle, 2018. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the US District Courthouse as seen from Olive Way, Seattle, WA, 2016. From Wikimedia Commons, photo by SounderBruce
Exterior view of the White-Henry-Stuart Building, Seattle, 1927; from the University of Washington Libraries, Calvin F. Todd Collection
Exterior view of the White-Henry-Stuart Building, Seattle, WA, c. 1910. From the Museum of History and Industry Photograph Collection, Webster and Stevens, Photographers, Item #1983.10.8477
Exterior view of the office building at 1000 2nd Avenue, Seattle, WA, 2019. From Google Maps/Street View
Interior view of the Clyde Hill Elementary School, Clyde Hill, WA, c. 1953; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, photo by Dearborn-Massar
Photograph of the members of the Corregidor-Bataan Memorial Competition Committee, likely Washington, DC, c. 1955. Emmet O'Neal, a US Representative from Kentucky and former Ambassador to the Philippines (1947-1948), who co-chaired the committee, was seated third from left, while Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz sat second from left. Architect Pietro Belluschi, co-chair of the committee, was seated in the first row, first on the right; From the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).gov, Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, accessed 06/13/2023
Post card view of Lincoln High School, Seattle, c. 1914; Oakes Photo Co. postcard, from Dorpat Sherrard Lomont
Postcard of Lincoln High School, Seattle, c. 1909; from the author's collection, postcard by the Portland Postcard Company, Portland, OR, Card #5505
Postcard view of the Pacific Science Center, Seattle, 1968; from Wikimedia Commons and the City of Seattle Municipal Archives;
Satellite view of the Schoenfeld House, 1700 17th Avenue East, (center) Seattle, WA, c. 2023. From Google Maps/Street View, accessed 04/30/2024.
Satellite view of the Seattle Federal Courthouse #3, (center), Seattle, WA, 2020. From Google Maps/Street View
Site map of the Herbert and Sylvia Levi Schoenfeld Estate (center), Seatlte, WA, 1939. From the Atlas of Seattle, 1939, Map #31W, accessed via Fire Insurance Maps Online, 04/30/2024
View of the Federal Courthouse #3's front plaza and its rows of protective bollards, plantings and stairs, Seattle, WA, 2019. From Google Maps/Street View