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Sumner P. Hunt
Aerial view of the Automobile Club of Southern California, Los Angeles, c. 2015; from Google Maps/Street View
Aerial view of the Bradbury Building (center), Los Angeles, CA, c. 2019. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Andrew Beyrle House, Los Angeles, c. 2005; from the City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
Exterior view of the Bradbury Building, Los Angeles, 2005; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Carol M. Highsmith
Exterior view of the Byrne Block, 253 South Broadway, Los Angeles, CA, 2015. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Byrne Building, Los Angeles, CA, 2005. From the Library of Congress, Carol M. Highsmith Archive, LC Control #2006675247
Exterior view of the Ebell Club #2, Los Angeles, c. 1906; from Wikimedia Commons and the University of Southern California Libraries, California Historical Society Collection
Exterior view of the Ebell Club Clubhouse #3, Los Angeles, 2018. From Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Ebell Clubhouse #3, Los Angeles, 2008; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Los Angeles
Exterior view of the Ebell Clubhouse #3, Los Angeles, 2016; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the James Ross and Miriam Evans House, Los Angeles, CA, c. 1906. From Robert J, Burdette, Greater Los Angeles and Southern California, 1906, (Chicago, Los Angeles: Lewis Publishing Company, 1906), p. 95.
Exterior view of the Kerckhoff House, Los Angeles, 2017; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the Kerckhoff House, Los Angeles, c. 2010; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Los Angeles
Exterior view of the Kinney-Everhardy House, Los Angeles, c. 1995; from the City of Los Angeles, Department of City Planning
Exterior view of the North Beach Bath House, Santa Monica, c. 1898; from "Santa Monica, The Newport of the Pacific," Land of Sunshine, 10/1898
Exterior view of the North Beach Bath House, Santa Monica, c. 1905; from the University of Southern California (USC) Libraries, California Historical Society Collection, Item #CHS-1279
Exterior view of the Roy Jones House #1, Santa Monica, 2017; from Google Maps/Street View
Exterior view of the main entrance to the Los Angeles County General Hospital, 1200 North State Street Building, Los Angeles, 2008; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Los Angeles
Interior view of the Bradbury Building, Los Angeles, 2008; from Wikimedia Commons, photo by Luke Jones
Interior view of the North Beach Bath House salt water plunge, Santa Monica, c. 1898; from "Santa Monica, The Newport of the Pacific," Land of Sunshine, 10/1898
Interior view of the salt water plunge, North Beach Bath House, Santa Monica, c. 1915; from the author's collection
Newspaper advertisement for the Boston Dry Goods Store #3, Los Angeles, 1899. From the Boston Dry Goods Store ad, Los Angeles Herald, 11/07/1899, p. 9
Photograph of the North Beach Bath House from the Colorado Street Pier, Santa Monica, c. 1900; from the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL), Security Pacific National Bank Collection, Photo #00028315
Portrait of John P. Jones, Washington, DC, 1899; from Walter Neale, Autobiographies and portraits of the President cabinet Supreme court and Fifty-fifth Congress, (Washington, DC: Neale Company, 1899)
Portrait of Lewis Bradbury, c. 1875; from the University of California, Davis, Library
Portrait of Sumner P. Hunt, c. 1913; from WIkimedia Commons, from the Press Reference Library, Western Edition
Postcard of the Hotel Maryland #1, Pasadena, CA, c. 1905. From the author's collection, postcard by M. Rieder, Los Angeles, CA, Card #7132
Postcard view of the Hotel Maryland #1, Pasadena, CA, c. 1910. From the author's collection, postcard by the Williamson-Laffer Company, Denver, CO, c. 1910
Postcard view of the Los Angeles County General Hospital, Los Angeles, c. 1935; from the author's collection
Postcard view of the North Beach Bath House, Santa Monica, c. 1905; from the author's collection, postcard by M. Rieder, Los Angeles, CA, #3240
Presentation drawing of the Henry W. O'Melveny and Marie Antoinette Schilling House by A.W. Eager, San Gabriel Canyon, CA, 1898. From "San Gabriel Cañon Resort," Land of Sunshine, vol. 9, no. 2, 07/1898, p. 108, accessed 03/12/2025
Printed view of the Currier (far left) and Bradbury Buildings (center), Los Angeles, c. 1897. From the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL), Security Pacific National Bank Collection, Item #LAPL00013859
Satellite view of the Pan American Lofts, (center), Los Angeles, CA, 2022. From Google Maps/Street View