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for the firm
Jordan, John T., Stone Mason
Drawing of the Territorial University of Washington, Seattle, 1885; from the Seattle City and King County Directory, 1885, p. 159
Exterior view of the Main Building (center) and the President's House (bottom left), Territorial University of Washington, Seattle, WA, c. 1890. From the University of Washington Tyee Yearbook, 1917, p. 12
Exterior view of the Territorial University of Washington, Seattle, c. 1870; from Wikimedia Commons
Exterior view of the Washington Territorial University, Seattle, c. 1881; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division
Fire insurance map of the Territorial University of Washington Campus, Seattle, WA, 1888. From Insurance Maps of Seattle, Washington, 1888, (New York: Sanborn Map & Publishing Company, 1888) Map #20, scanned by Fire Insurance Maps Online.com
View of Seattle from Denny Hill looking south and east; the Territorial University of Washington is circled, Seattle, 1882; from the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Division, Prosch Seattle Views Collection, photo by Carlton E. Watkins
View of the 2008 renovation effort of the Sylvan Grove columns. Note that they are hollow and supported in the center by steel rods, Seattle, WA, 2008. From University of Washington, Facilities Services Office.edu, "Sylvan Theater Column Restoration Project 2007-2008 Powerpoint," accessed 11/08/2023