"This league [The Architectural League of the Pacific Coast] was organized in March, 1909, at a convention of Architects held in Portland, Oregon. It is composed of the San Francisco, Southern California and Washington State Chapters of the American Institute of Architects, and the San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle Architectural Clubs. The objects of the Leauge are: 1st. A closer affiliation between the various Chapters of the A.I.A. and the Architectural Clubs. 2nd. The formation of such organizations in cities where none now exist. 3rd. The holding of an annual convention of the Architects west of Denver. 4th. A systematically conducted circuit of annual Architectural Exhibitions in the Pacific Coast cities. 5th. Conducting organized scholarship work for the younger draftsmen. Officers of the League A.F. Rosenheim, President, Los Angeles; W.R.B. Willcox, Treasurer, Seattle; E.F. Lawrence, Vice-President, Portland; John P. Krempel, Secretary, Los Angeles; M.A. Vinson, Manager of Exhibitions, Seattle."