Article Title:
Case Study House #3
Arts and Architecture
Publication Type:
drawings, elevs
The description of the house published in Arts and Architecture (6/1945) underscored Wurster and Bernardi's Regionalist approach: "We heard of a well-known architect who held a conviction that it was not necessary for him to see the site before he designed the house. All he needed was an engineer's survey and, according to his theory, he could sit down in his office and design a house for any location on earth. We, on the other hand, have always held the opposite theory that before touching pencil paper it was not only necessary to visit the site, but have a heart-to-heart talk with the client. Any other process tends to make the house either overly conventional or overly intellectual. Nothing is equal to a visit on the site to really sense the views, panorama, winds, obstructions, etc., and only by intimate communion with the client can we bring out and incorporate into the plans all those likes and dislikes and whims, if you wish, which make the home individual.
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