In a recent number we referred to a book of designs and plans issued by the Community Art Association fo Santa Barbara, Calif. The purpose of the boook was to show how much better in every way even a simple, inexpensive house can be when designed by an architect. The people back of the book are idealists and beauty propagandists, and believe that the best service possible is to pass along the idea of beauty in common things. We are always preaching this doctrine, of course, not forgetting that architecture is a business, but we believe that attractive and well-designed architecture is the very best of business. While this may apply especially to purely commercial buildings, we are inclined to think that a well-designed and harmonious residential district in a town or city is about the best business ever. The dear public wants to be beautified, but if left alone to their own devices and the influence of the carpenter and builder, the results are apt to be rather shocking to people of some architectural knowledge. There are already too many'bungalows'of a certain stock type that cost as much as a small house and spot up the landscape in a way to make the home-hunter of taste give up in despair.