Male, born 1913-04-21

Associated with the firms network

Scott and Payne, Architects; Wick, Hilgers and Scott, Architects

Professional History


Senior Draftsman, United States Forest Service, 1935-1938.

Assistant Architect, Bonneville Power Administration, 1938-1940.

Draftsman, Glenn Stanton, Architect, Portland, OR, 1940-1941.

Draftsman, Pietro Belluschi, Architect, Portland, OR, 1942.

Partner, Wick, Scott and McDevitt, Architects, Portland, OR, 1945-1948.

Partner, Wick, Hilgers and Scott, Architects, Portland, OR, 1948-1951.

Partner, Scott and Payne, Architects, Portland, OR, 1951- .



B.S., University of Oregon (U of O), Eugene, OR, 1935.

PCAD id: 9380