Male, born 1970-11-17

Associated with the firms network

Milbrandt Architects; Weber + Thompson, PLLC

Professional History


Intern architect, Milbrandt Architects, Kirkland, WA, 03/1995-04/2004.

Architect, Weber + Thompson, PLLC, Architects, Seattle, WA, 04/2004- .

Partner, Weber Thompson, Architects, c. 2023. In c. 2023, Reibman wrote of his work at Weber Thompson: "At Weber Thompson I've had the opportunity to work on everything from custom homes to high rises. Much of my work has involved larger scale infill projects with complex entitlement processes in the city of Seattle. Also, I've been able to focus significant time on senior housing and memory care facilities. I really enjoy working with clients who plan to hold and operate their buildings for years to come. It's challenging and fun to add the element of operational thinking to the mix when working through an architectural solution." (See, "Jeff Reibman," accessed 04/11/2023.)

Professional Activities

Member, Community Roots Housing Foundation, Board of Directors, Seattle, WA, 08/2017- .

Member, CIty of Seattle, Urban Forestry Commission, Seattle, WA, 11/2009-02/2016.

Member, Great City, Board of Directors, Seattle, WA, 06/2009-12/2012.



B.Arch., University of Oregon (U of O), Eugene, OR, 1989-1994.

PCAD id: 9319