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Male, born 1841-06-21, died 1925-07

Associated with the firm network

Brigham, Charles, Architect

Professional History


Apprentice, Gridley J.F. Bryant, Architect and Engineer, Boston, MA, c. 1856-1860. Gridley James Fox Bryant (1816-1899) worked as an architect, engineer, and building contractor in Boston.

Sergeant, Union Army, Civil War.

Draftsman, John Hubbard Sturgis, Architect, Boston, MA.

Partner, Sturgis and Brigham, Architects, Boston, MA, 1866-1886. Brigham, both in his partnership wih Sturgis and on his own, designed several high-profile commissions in Boston, including the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (1876), Albert C. Burrage House, in the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston (1899), and the Annex to the Massachusetts State House, Boston, (1895).


High School

Graduate, Watertown High School, Watertown, MA, c. 1856.

PCAD id: 8496