Male, born 1918-08-20
Associated with the firm network
Balzhiser, Seder and Rhodes, Architects
Engineer, Panama Canal Zone, Panama, 1943-1947.
Draftsman, Alfred Hopkins and Associates, New York, NY, 1947-1948. This firm specialized in country houses, farms for wealthy clients, and prisons. It was led by Alfred Hopkins (1870-05/1941).
Partner, Balzhiser, Seder and Rhodes, Architects, Eugene, OR, 1958- .
Professional Activities
Rhodes joined the American Institute of Architects, Southwest Oregon Chapter, in 1954.
B.S., Arch., Pennsylvania State (Penn State) University, State College, PA, 1941.
College Awards
Rhodes was awarded First and Second Beaux-Arts medals at Penn State.
PCAD id: 7586
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