Associated with the firm network
Principal, M. Paul Martin, Architect, Los Angeles, CA, c. 1901. Martin maintained an architectural office in Rooms #112-113 of the Henne Building in 1901. (See Los Angeles, California, City Directory, 1901, p. 1226.)
Martin boarded at 201 West 21st Street in Los Angeles, CA, in 1901. (See Los Angeles, California, City Directory, 1901, p. 569.)
Biographical Notes
The Los Angeles Herald ran this short story on Martin in 1901: "M.Paul Martin, an architect and contractor, who has an office in the Henne building, 122 West Third Street, was struck by an electric car at the corner of Spring and Court streets, about midnight last night, while he was under the influence of liquor. With the exception of a swelled ja where he came in contact with the car, Martin escape injury." (See "Architect Runs into a Car," Los Angeles Herald, vol. XXVIIII, no. 364, 09/29/1901, p. 9.)
PCAD id: 7549
Name | Date | City | State |
1st Church of Christ, Scientist, Los Angeles, CA | 1902 |