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Male, born 1928

Associated with the firms network

Towne, Richards and Chaudiere, Incorporated, Acoustical Engineers; Bruck, Richards and Chaudiere (BRC), Incorporated, Acoustics and Audiovisual Design

Professional History


Assistant Physicist, Riverbank Acoustical Laboratories Chicago, IL, 1947-1959.

Partner/Vice-President, Towne, Richards and Chaudiere, Incorporated, Acoustics, Incorporated, Seattle, WA, 1965-1995. Partner, Bruck, Richards, and Chaudiere, (BRC) Incorporated, Acoustics and Audiovisual Design, Seattle, WA, 1995-2000.

Professional Activities

Member, Institute of Noise Control Engineering, (INCE).

Richards was the author of Acoustics and Noise Control Handbook for Architects and Builders: Understanding Sound, co-written with Leland K. Irvine,(Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Company, 1998).

PCAD id: 7366