Male, born 1932-11-05, died 2003-09-25

Associated with the firm network

Calvin, W. Dan, Architect



Calvin lived much of his life in the West Seattle area of Seattle, WA. In 1995, he resided at 6030 California Avenue SW, Seattle, WA, 98136-1613.


His father was Dr. Warren Calvin, Sr., (born c. 1896 in OH), his mother, Mildren Calvin (born c. 1898 in MD). He had three brothers, according to the US Census of 1940: Charles (born c. 1926 in IN), Warren, Jr., (born c. 1928 in WA), David (born c. 1934 in WA).

Biographical Notes

Calvin designed a residence for his parents in Seattle's Fauntleroy neighborhood c. 1962.

PCAD id: 7145