Male, US, born 1880-06-03, died 1950-04-27

Associated with the firm network

Edelman and Barnett, Architects

Professional History

Partner, Eldelman and Barnett, Architects, Los Angeles, CA; Barnett was a partner with his maternal uncle, Abram C. Edelman.


Born in TX, Barnett spent most of his life in Los Angeles, CA.

The LAPL California Index gave his birth date as 1881.

PCAD id: 698

Architecture of A. M. Edelman, 1906. "Aronson, Solly, House notice", Builder & Contractor, 18, col 2, 4/24/1913. "Edelman and Barnett move to Black Building", Builder & Contractor, 6, col. 1, 5/1/1913. "Cohn, Kaspare Hospital plans", Los Angeles Daily Journal, 2, col 1, 10/15/1909. "Hill Building, San Pedro, CA", Los Angeles Daily Journal, 2, col 1, 05/19/1916. "Hill Building, San Pedro, Los Angeles, CA", Los Angeles Daily Journal, 2, col 1, 05/27/1916. "Plans for Hillcrest Country Club", Los Angeles Times, 1, 09/11/1921. "Black Building marks new era", Los Angeles Times, part V: 1, 10/15/1911. "To erect church", Los Angeles Times, 7/18/1920. "Royal Packing Company Factory Notice", Southwest Builder & Contractor, 16, cols. 1 and 2, 03/29/1913. "Breed Street Synagogue plans", Southwest Builder & Contractor, 11, col 3, 5/21/1920. "Mahar Building notice", Southwest Builder and Contractor, 33, col 3, 10/09/1915. "First National Bank of San Pedro building permit granted", Southwest Builder and Contractor, 23, 06/11/1920. "First National Bank, San Pedro, plans", Southwest Builder and Contractor, 16, col 3, 03/05/1920. "Lemoncove First National Bank plans", Southwest Builder and Contractor, 13, col 2, 06/25/1920. "San Pedro bank plans", Southwest Builder and Contractor, 2, col 1, 12/13/1911. "Cohn, Kaspare Hospital references", Western States Jewish Historical Quarterly, 8: 2, 136-138, 1/1976. "Kaspare Cohn: a man who helped make Southern California", Western States Jewish Historical Quarterly, 23: 195-211, 4/1991.