Male, born 1859-09-09, died 1937-05-05

Associated with the firms network

Boring and Haas, Architects; Boring, William A. Architect; Caukin, Haas and Boring, Architects

Professional History


Partner, Caukin, Haas and [William A.] Boring, Architects, Los Angeles, CA, 06/1886-1887. Caukin, Haas and Boring lasted about one year, from 1886 until 1887. A legal notice in the Los Angeles Herald appeared in 1886: "We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we are partners, transacting business as architects, in Los Angeles city and county, State of California, under the firm name and style of Caukin, Haas & Boring; that the full names ofthe partners are E.L. Caukin, S.I. Haas and W.A. Boring; that our places of residence are in the city and county of Los Angeles, State of California. In witness we have hereunto set our hands this first day of June, A.D., 1886." (See "State of California," Los Angeles Herald, vol. 25, no. 84, 06/10/1886, p. 4.)

Associated Locations

  • Carlinville, IL (Architect's Birth)
    Carlinville, IL

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  • Manhattan, New York, NY (Architect's Death)
    Manhattan, New York, NY

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PCAD id: 674