Associated with the firm network
Structural Solutions, Incorporated
Civil Engineer, Whitby Bird and Partners, London, England; Civil Engineer, Masojada and Partners, Durban, South Africa; Civil Engineer, Grinaker Construction, Ltd., South Africa
Registration: Civil Engineer, State of California (#C65607), 2003; M.I.Struct.E., United Kingdom 1988.
B.Sc. (Hons.) Civil Engineering, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 1980. B.A., University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, 1987;
In 2012, the Structural Solutions, Incorporated web site said of her: "Ms. Deas has more than ten years of experience in the analysis and design of various types of structures. She has designed wood framed, structural steel, reinforced concrete, brick and masonry buildings for industrial, commercial and residential projects. Ms. Deas is also knowledgeable in earthquake engineering and the seismic renovation of buildings. She has analyzed reinforced concrete and timber framed buildings. Ms. Deas has designed buildings using blast resistant design. She has also analyzed and designed earthquake damage repairs for wood framed houses and foundation repairs. In addition, Ms. Deas has performed earthquake or foundation movement damage assessments on residences and small commercial buildings." (See "Personnel: Karin E. Deas,"
PCAD id: 6364
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