Male, died 09/21/1992

Professional History

Master Planner, US Department of the Interior, National Parks Service (NPS), working on plans for Crater Lake National Park, Lassen Volcanic National Park, and Death Valley National Park. Principal, William Penn Mott, Jr., Landscape Architect, three and one-half years c. 1943-1946; Head, City of Oakland, Department of Parks, Oakland, CA, 1946-1962; General Manager, East Bay Regional Park District, Oakland, CA, 1962-1967; Director, State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, Sacramento, CA, 1967-1975; President and Executive Officer, California State Parks Foundation, San Francisco, CA, 1975-1985; Director, US Department of the Interior, National Parks Service, 1985-1989; Special Assistant to the NPS, 1989-1992.

President/Director, American Institute of Park Executives, Wheeling WV; Consultant, US Operations Mission, Costa Rica; Vie-President/Executive Committee Member, National Recreation and Park Association; President.Director, Metropolitan YMCA of Alameda County; Director/Vice-President, Goodwill Industries, Oakland, CA; Vice-President, California Conservation Council; President, Save San Francisco Bay Association;

Distinguished Fellow, American Park and Recreation Society;


B.S., Landscape Architecture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; M.S., Landscape Architecture, University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Berkeley, CA.


Mott had sons William Penn Mott III, who lived in 1992 in Ross, CA; John Davis Mott, Santa Cruz, CA; a brother, Douglas Mott, who lived in Bath, ME, in 1992, also survived him.

Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Oakland, CA.

Associated Locations

  • New York, NY (Architect's Birth)
    New York, NY

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  • Orinda, CA (Architect's Death)
    Orinda, CA

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PCAD id: 6308