Female, born 12/20/1865, died 07/12/1950

Associated with the firm network

De Wolfe, Elsie, Interior Designer

Professional History

Principal, Elsie De Wolfe, Interior Designer, New York, NY; in 11/1921, de Wolfe publicized the move of her studio from 2 West 47th Street in New York, NY, to 677 5th Avenue. (See Advertisement, Arts and Decoration, 16:1. 11/1921, p. 49.)


Following her late-in-life marriage to Sir Charles Mendl in 1926, she was known as "Lady Mendl." Previously, she lived with the pioneering New York theatrical producer, Elizabeth "Bessy" Marbury (1856-1933) for about 20 years.

PCAD id: 5901