Male, died 1945

Associated with the firm network

Rasque, George M., and Son, Architects

Professional History

Partner, George M. Rasque and Son, Architects, Spokane, WA, 1938-1945; Rasque was a Lieutenant in the U.S. Naval Reserve, Civil Engineer Corps; he was killed in action during World War II.


B.Arch., State College of Washington, Pullman, WA, 1937;


George W. Rasque was born in MT c. 1914. He moved with his family to Spokane, WA, where he spent most of his life. He attended the State College of Washington in Pullman, WA, c. 1933-1937; he joined his father's Spokane firm, George M. Rasque and Son, Architects, in 1938.

PCAD id: 5774