Male, born 1935

Associated with the firm network

Sasaki, Dawson, DeMay and Associates, Landscape Architects

Professional History


Partner, Sasaki Dawson DeMay Associates, Landscape Architects, Watertown, MA, 1964- c. 1975.

Partner, Sasaki Associates, Landscape Architects, Watertown, MA, c. 1975- .

in 2011, this firm was known simply as "Sasaki."

The Cultural Landscape Foundation stated of his contributions to the firm: "Dawson participated in the development of the firm into a national interdisciplinary practice, overseeing a diversity of projects including urban and waterfront developments, college and university campuses, resorts, and corporate headquarters in the U.S. and abroad. Notable projects include Sea Pines Plantation master plan and Harbour Town waterfront development, Hilton Head, South Carolina, recognized for its innovate and ecologically-sensitive treatment; the Modernist Deere & Company Corporate Headquarters in Moline, Illinois (1959 with continuing for decades to follow); and Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park in Boston (1974-76), among the nation’s first revitalized waterfronts; followed by the renovation of historic Long Wharf, Boston (1978)." (See Cultural Landscape Foundation, "Stuart O. Dawson," accessed 08/09/2017.)

Professional Activities

Member, American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA).

Professional Awards

Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architects (FASLA), 1987;

Recipient, American Society of Landscape Architecture (ASLA) Medal, 1999;



Bachelors of Landscape Architecture, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL. c. 1956.

Masters of Landscape Architecture, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1958.

PCAD id: 5569