Male, born 1951

Associated with the firms network

Mahlum Architects, Incorporated; Mahlum and Nordfors, Architects

Professional History

Architect, Mahlum Architects, Seattle, WA, and Portland, OR, 1987-2008; Founding Head of the Portland Office, 1990; Partner/Chief Executive Officer, Mahlum Architects, Seattle, WA, 2004-2008; Smith served as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) between 01/2004-07/2008; he retired as CEO when the firm had 110 employees in two offices, about 75 in Seattle, WA, and about 35 in Portland, OR. Michael Yates was the Chief Operating Officer at Mahlum in 2008, and he retired the same year. Previous CEO Vincent Nordfors named Smith as his successor in 1999, five years before the latter actually took over.


Smith retired to live in Southern CA.

PCAD id: 5451