Male, US, born 1907-10-12, died 1993-05-04

Associated with the firms network

Pflueger Architects; Pflueger, Milton T., Architect

Professional History


Partner, Pflueger Architects, San Francisco, CA; in 1989, Pflueger Architects Office was at 165 10th St, San Francisco, CA, 94103-2657.


In 1981, Pflueger lived at 60 Robinhood Drive in the Westwood Highlands Neighborhood of San Francisco, CA. His last residence was in the 94127 zip code (Westwood Highlands Neighborhood) of San Francisco, CA.

Milton Pflueger's elder brother was the San Francisco architect, Timothy Pflueger (1892-1946).

SSN: 545-05-5274; Pflueger wrote a book entitled, "Time and Tim Remembered : A Tradition of Bay Area Architecture : Pflueger Architects, Timothy, Milton, and John, the First Seventy-five Years, 1908 to 1983," published by Pflueger Architects (San Francisco, CA) in 1985.

PCAD id: 532